Ok, now it gets weird. After removing the passwords, I also changed the UPC
share to upc, and it worked. Then apps, which had been working without a
problem, failed. So the issue seems to be for what ever reason we can get
the first of 2 shares, but not both. Here is the Xferlog:

attribSet(dir=fupc, file=VONMAUJR231837.xls)
attribSet(dir=fupc, file=cygdrive)
 create d 555       0/0           0 cygdrive
 makePath(/var/lib/backuppc/pc/mas90-server/new//fupc/fcygdrive, 0777)
 attribSet(dir=fupc, file=cygdrive)
 Finished deltaGet phase 0
 Child is sending done
 Got done from child
 Finished deltaGet phase 1
 Got stats: 4287 61821419 61800702 5 ('errorCnt' => 0,'ExistFileSize' =>
61800598,'ExistFileCnt' => 205,'TotalFileCnt' => 206,'ExistFileCompSize' =>
18690550,'TotalFileSize' => 61800702)
 attribWrite(dir=fupc) -> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mas90-server/new/fupc/attrib
 attribWrite(dir=) -> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mas90-server/new//attrib
 Got exit from child
 Done: 206 files, 61800702 bytes
 Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share apps)
 Backup aborted (No files dumped for share apps)

And the error log:

attribSet(dir=fupc, file=VONMAUJR231837.xls)
 attribSet(dir=fupc, file=cygdrive)
 [ skipped 1 lines ]
 makePath(/var/lib/backuppc/pc/mas90-server/new//fupc/fcygdrive, 0777)
 attribSet(dir=fupc, file=cygdrive)
 Finished deltaGet phase 0
 Child is sending done
 Got done from child
 Finished deltaGet phase 1
 Got stats: 4287 61821419 61800702 5 ('errorCnt' => 0,'ExistFileSize' =>
61800598,'ExistFileCnt' => 205,'TotalFileCnt' => 206,'ExistFileCompSize' =>
18690550,'TotalFileSize' => 61800702)
 attribWrite(dir=fupc) -> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mas90-server/new/fupc/attrib
 attribWrite(dir=) -> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mas90-server/new//attrib
 Got exit from child
 Done: 206 files, 61800702 bytes
 Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share apps)
 Backup aborted (No files dumped for share apps)

Has anyone else encountered this issue with multiple modules and rsyncd? It
seems everything should work. I'll attempt to redefine a single module that
includes  both of the share locations if possible.


On 2/19/07, Jim McNamara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
According the the man page for rsyncd.conf, there should be no issue
with multiple shares, they have an example with 5 or so shares, some
publicly open and others password protected.

Since both shares were looking to the same authorization file, I
didn't think permissions could be the issue, but I'm willing to try

I removed the username and password from both the windows rsyncd.conf
and the backuppc config for this host. I also disabled the requirement
that rsyncd use a password. As some small measure of security, I left
the host allow clause, but it is wide open. Now when I
issue the command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ rsync -av
apps            apps folder
upc             UPC data

the shares are shown without any password prompt. I'll know in about
24 hours if this is successful, and I'll post back with the results.

Thanks for the help,

On 2/19/07, Jason Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Jim McNamara wrote:
> I am having a problem with rsyncd between backuppc and a remote windows
box running the rsync package provided on the backuppc page at sourceforge.
I installed a clean version of backuppc 3.0.0, moving all the old backups
from 2.1.1 to an alternate machine should I need them later.
>  The problem is that rsyncd will start this job, get through the 21 Gb
of data in the apps share from the windows server, then crash out on getting
the 60 Mb from the UPC share.
>  It looks like a permissions problem.  I haven't experimented with
multiple rsync shares much, but perhaps do you need to set up your secrets
file so that the user has access to both folders?  It may be that the user
you are using to connect with on the command line is *not* the same user
BackupPC is using... ie:
>  $Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsyncd';
>  $Conf{RsyncShareName} = ['UPC', 'apps'];
>  $Conf{RsyncdUserName} = 'backuppc';
>  Maybe you need to try:
>  $Conf{RsyncdUserName} = ['backuppc', 'backuppc'];
>  I haven't done this sort of thing, so I'm not even sure it's allowed,
but if you let guest logins to rsync, I could see how an unprivileged guest
account would not have access to the files in your UPC share.  Just a
>  Good luck,
>  JH

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