Has anybody written a routine that takes a complete series of
incrementals (back to the full) - i.e.   levels N, N-1, N-2,...,1,0
and then converts the level N incremental into a standalone full backup?

It shouldn't be too hard since the web browser interface for restoring
files and the backuppc-fuse program essentially already do the

All one would have to add would be:
1. Merging/rewriting the attrib files
2. Perhaps some optimization of the merging
3. Edit to the 'backupInfo' file 'backups' folder to note the change
   from incremental to full
4. Anything else?

I would find such a routine useful in the case where retrospectively
you realize that you want to keep a particular backup for longer than
the usual expire sequence and that backup happens not to be a
full. For example, if you have a major change/upgrade/re-install that
happens to fall on an incremental. Now of course you could always save
the incremental plus its parents back to the last full but it would
be nice if you could at any time retrospectively create a full that
you would then save standalone.

Now this again brings up the feature request from another poster to
have a way to save 'forever' specific backups independent of the
general expiry sequence. I had suggested post-pending a character to
the backup number that would signal a saved backup and could easily be
set/cleared by the user (Post-pending would preserve numerical order
sorting better than pre-pending).

In any case, has anybody written such a "merge" routine as described


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