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I've talked about this before on-list, and so have other people...
however, today I needed to add another new 2008 Server machine for
backups, and decided to do it properly. I started with the solution at:

However, it didn't work for me, so I made a few changes as follows.
Note, I've removed all the comments from the scripts I stole, but that
was just because I didn't want to re-type them all... console copy and
paste doesn't seem to work from the console of the server (accessed via
VNC) to my desktop (linux).

A copy of my comment on the web page, with the copies of my
scripts/etc... If anyone has any suggestions/ideas, or makes
improvements to the following, please let me know and post on the web
page and this list (I figure most people won't see anything posted on
the website, unless they go and look.... so that is mainly for people
who find it via google in the future).

I couldn?t get this to work on Windows Server 2008, so in the end I did
the following:
Created ?c:\Users\Administrator\myvshadow.bat?
c:\windows\vshadow.exe -do=c:
c:\windows\vshadow.exe -do=c:
c:\windows\vshadow.exe -do=c:
c:\windows\vshadow.exe -script=c:\shadow\vshadow-out.cmd -p c:
call c:\shadow\vshadow-out.cmd
c:\windows\vshadow.exe -el=%SHADOW_ID_1%,c:\shadow\c

The reason I attempt to delete any shadows beforehand is to ensure they
don?t somehow build up over time, etc?. This probably isn?t required?

Then, install this script as a onboot scheduled task:
schtasks /create /tn BackupPCPre /tr
c:\Users\Administrator\myvshadow.bat /sc onstart
Then, use Task Scheduler (GUI) to edit the task, and ensure the
following options are set:
?Run whether user is logged on or not? (not default)
?Allow task to be run on demand? (default)
Save, and set the Administrator username and password for the task

This will create the shadow at each bootup, and map it to the
c:\shadow\c directory. However, we remove that and re-create it
on-demand with the pre-script backuppc will call which is now much simpler:
function shadow_drive ()
schtasks /run /TN BackupPCPre
sleep 60
rm -f /cygdrive/c/shadow/vshadow-out.cmd

sleep 5
mkdir -p /cygdrive/c/shadow/c
shadow_drive c:
That basically calls the scheduled task, which does all the work for us?.
Finally, at this point I don?t have a post script? the shadow can sit
there until tomorrow when the backup runs again?. Probably I will end up
creating another scheduled task as above which will do the cleanup, and
call it in a similar way.

I still don?t know why I didn?t have permission to do all the above
using ?at?, but it seems to me that schtasks is actually easier to use
anyway. Additional error checks should probably be added, and the
scripts could be made more generic (to work for multiple drives). Also,
perhaps you don?t want to remove shadows that were not created for
backuppc, etc? This is just my first attempt, I haven?t even run a
single backup yet, but the files get created properly from my ssh command.

Hope this helps people?.

- -- 
Adam Goryachev
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