> Hi -- I'm somewhat confused with how I thought incremental backups work and
> with what is shown in XferLog. Perhaps some kind soul can help me out? I'm
> running BackupPC 2.1.2 on FC4 against Linux and WinXP hosts.
> (1) When I look in XferLog, every directory is listed as "create d" on every
> run and, in fact, is created on every run. The documentation says that this
> only happens for new directories yet we are recreating the entire directory
> structure every run. Did I misunderstand, mess up, or what?

The entire directory structure is created on incrementals.
The reason is that it is difficult to know whether some
subdirectory might contain a new file, so the whole tree
is created.  The automatic merging of incrementals with
earlier fulls relies on the fact that the incremental
contains the full tree.

> (2) Files are being backed up in the incremental runs even though they have
> not changed. How can I work out why that is, or how do I stop this?

Do you mean no changed since the last incremental?  This depends
on your XferMethod.  If you are using smb or tar, then a file
with an mtime after the last full backup will be backed up on
every incremental, since each incremental is level 1 (ie: back to
the previous full).

> (3)  In the incremental runs, sometimes the entire contents of a directory
> is backed up if only 1 file has changed, sometimes all of the files in the
> directory including those that have not changed. This is probably related to
> (2). Again, .. help!

Can you show a precise example of the entries in the XferLOG file,
the actual file mtimes, and the time of the previous full.

> (4) I've read the documentation but I'm not sure I understand the subtlety
> between "pool" and "same" when referring to files that have not changed
> since the last full backups. Can someone please help me understand the
> difference perhaps with some examples?

"Pool" means the file was received and matched to an existing file in
the pool.  "Same" means that rsync determined the file is identical to
the file with the same path in the earlier full, and the file itself
was not transferred.


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