Re: [BackupPC-users] rsyncd exclude

2006-12-04 Thread Jason Hughes
I had no luck with getting rsyncd on Windows to work with spaces in filenames through the config file. I resorted to using the 8.3 filenames instead, ie: secrets file = c:/Progra~1/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets The easy way to find them is to do a "dir /x" and you get both the long and short names. H

[BackupPC-users] rsyncd exclude

2006-12-04 Thread Algobit
I try to use the exclude directive in rsyncd.conf on my windows machine [docs] # # # path = C:/Documents and Settings/ENRICO/Documenti exclude = C:/Documents and Settings/ENRICO/Documenti/Macchine virtuali but the directory isn't excluded. I have to use in $Conf