Negotiated protocol version 28

Hi I see that the File-RsyncP-0.70 only runs to Protocol version 28. 
but I see interesting facts for backup MAC systems.

the default mac version 2.6.8 is very slow in my test.

I put the last version of rsync 3.0.7 and see a speed improbe.

My questions are two.

1, What is the best and the faster option for backup remote files?? 
(rsync or rsyncd) for me is rsyncd.

for example.

two full

rsync 2.6.8(mac version) 541593.5 (files in MB) TIME: 448.1
rsync 3.0.7( 543157.5 (files in 
MB) TIME: 276.1.
use the last version becasue is more faster...

2,  There is any chances that the File-RsyncP perl module future 
support protocol 30 in a future?


P.D. anybody make test?

Is interesting put this in wiki? I have the complete manual for make 
rsyncd running in MAC OS. ;-)

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