
My client has 200gb of data and resulted from the first full backup was around the same size on the server.
However, after the the first incremental , df -h shows it's 217gb now.

I couldn't do a du -csh coz there are 10,000,000 files and du would take forever.
(I've tried, it ran for 40 mins and used 1.5GB of memory still didn't finished. )

Any guess of what cause the 17gb data growth?

btw, the original data is still 200GB.


Travis Wu | Systems Administrator
Capital Printing Systems Inc.
Two Grand Central Tower
140 East 45th Street, 36th Floor
New York, NY 10017

P: 212.201.3444 | B: 212.945.8630
F: 212.201.3401 | www.capitalprinting.com

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