On Friday 29 July 2005 23:01, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 21:49 +0100, Martin Simmons wrote:
> > Oh, I thought the blockage and mount command is per storage device,
> > not per
> > tape.
> It does block the storage device.  It prevents the storage device from
> automounting the next usable tape.  I have automated marking the last
> tape as 'Full', and I want to further automate unmounting it and
> unloading it from the tape drive so that when I come in on Monday I can
> just eject the magazine and remove the used tapes, shuffle in tapes,
> reinsert the magazine and update slots.  After which the next time a
> backup would occur bacula would happily figure out what volume it can
> use that is available and request it be loaded into the drive and mount
> it for use.

Try the "release" command.  It was designed to release the drive but not to 
block it as the "unmount" command does.  You may need to explicitly do an 
"unload" of the drive using mtx directly.  If that is the case, it might be 
an interesting RFC for Bacula to do that when it is dealing with an 

As far as I know, no one is using "release" so it may or may not work.

> As it stands, it looks like I can automate the umounting and unloading,
> but I'll manually have to load a drive and mount it from bconsole to
> clear the block flag.
> Is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?  Just a way
> to say 'I'm done w/ my umount stuff, feel free to manage the device now'
> and walk away?

Best regards,



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