Am 09.04.2018 um 17:46 schrieb Kern Sibbald:

Hi Kern!

> The output from lsscsi looks odd.  From what I see, I am not reassured 
> that both the tape drives are actually part one at a time and see if 
> physically the right tapes are mounted.

I'm afraid, I didn't fully understand what you meant to say here. But I
assume, you are wondering why the devices of the library are so
That I can explain at least partially: The reason is, that the way the
library is connected to the server is somewhat "unique".
The library is an Overland NEO2000 which, unlike most other libraries,
has a dedicated controller card with its own parallel SCSI connectors.
The LTO1 drive also has its own parallel SCSI connectors. The LTO4
drive, on the other hand, has a Fibre Channel connection. In order not
having to use two different host adapters (SCSI & FC), I installed a
FC-to-SCSI bridge in library. (An ATTO FibrBridge 2390C, relabled by
Overland.) On the server side, I'm using a dual channel FC controller
Emulex LPe 11002.
The LTO4 drive and the FibreBridge are connected directly to one of the
FC controller ports respectively.

Or, as a sketch:

---------.                                 .---------------------
 Server  |                                 | Library
         |                                 +-------------.
 .-------+      Fibre Channel              |             |
 |       |=================================| LTO4 drive  |
 | FC HA |                                 |             |
 |       |======##                         +-------------'
 '-------+      ||                         |
         |      ||                         +-------------.
---------'      ||                         |             |
                ||                     ,---+ LTO1 drive  |
                ||                     |   |             |
                ||                SCSI |   +-------------'
                ||                     |   |
                ||                     |   +-------------.
                ||                     '---+             |
                ||                         | Controller  |
                ||                     .---+             |
                ||                     |   +-------------'
                ||                SCSI |   |
                ||                     |   +-------------.
                ||                     '---+             |
                ||                         | FibreBridge |
                ##=========================|             |
                      Fibre Channel        +-------------'

But I don't have the slightest clue why the kernel splits up the two
channels of the single FC controller into two non-consecutive controller
numbers (0 and 7). But this number asignment is persitent through system
reboots, though...

> [...]
> My experience on LTO-1 and LTO-4 drives is that 512K buffer sizes get 
> quite adequate performance so I am a bit skeptical about your need for 
> 1MB buffers, but that said, they should be OK.

Well, that's what I found out with some btape "speed" test runs:

The blog post itself is in German - sorry for that - but the figures
should be understandable anyway.
OK, I have to admit "significantly" is a bit of an exaggeration when
comparing the 1MB values with the 512kB block size values, but 1MB does
result in a larger throughput after all.

Best regards


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