I’ve recently started receiving errors on about 90% of my backup jobs. At first I thought it was a tape issue, but after replacing all the tape media and restarting the daemons on both bacula clients and server I am still getting the same errors. Here is a copy of the job report:



09-May 19:40 DEUTERONOMY-dir: Start Backup JobId 3187, Job=Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11

09-May 19:40 WEBSERVER-01-fd: Since time adjusted by -2 seconds.

09-May 19:40 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Spooling data ...

09-May 19:43 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 1,274,026,191 bytes ...

09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 0 bytes ...

09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Error writing header to spool file. ERR=No space left on device 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 0 bytes ...

09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Fatal despooling error.09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Fatal device error: ERR= 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Error writing header to spool file. ERR=No space left on device 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 64,524 bytes ...

09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Fatal despooling error.09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Error writing Session label to tape-5-daily: Success 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: append.c:261 Error writting end session label. ERR= 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Error writing header to spool file. ERR=No space left on device 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 64,524 bytes ...

09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-sd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: Fatal despooling error.09-May 19:45 WEBSERVER-01-fd: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Fatal error: backup.c:472 Network send error 32768 to SD. ERR=Broken pipe 09-May 19:45 DEUTERONOMY-dir: Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11 Error: Bacula 1.36.3 (22Apr05): 09-May-2005 19:45:06

  JobId:                  3187

  Job:                    Backup_WEBSERVER-01.2005-05-09_19.05.11

  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2005-04-30 08:39:59

  Client:                 WEBSERVER-01-fd

  FileSet:                "WEBSERVER-01-files" 2005-04-15 00:34:20

  Pool:                   "Daily"

  Storage:                "Tape"

  Start time:             09-May-2005 19:40:36

  End time:               09-May-2005 19:45:06

  FD Files Written:       58,727

  SD Files Written:       58,727

  FD Bytes Written:       1,262,876,329

  SD Bytes Written:       1,270,889,792

  Rate:                   4677.3 KB/s

  Software Compression:   None

  Volume name(s):         tape-5-daily

  Volume Session Id:      12

  Volume Session Time:    1115684185

  Last Volume Bytes:      13,479,021,305

  Non-fatal FD errors:    0

  SD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  Error

  SD termination status:  Error

  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***



Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is occurring? Not all the servers affected are on the same subnet, nor are they all Windows or Linux the error seems to be randomly across our network.



Daniel Hoeving


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