
Just to note that this problem still exists in bacula-1.36.3...

Is anybody working on console ACL support?


----- Forwarded message from Dmitry Sivachenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Dmitry Sivachenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 14:46:43 +0400
Subject: Problem with *ACL and restore


I am running bacula-1.36.2.  I wish to backup several machines and setup
ACLs so that each machine can restore only it's own files (and ideally cannot
even get an information about what other machines are served by this 
bacula server).

Server is running on machine named m0.  Clients are m0 (server itself), m4
and m5 at this time.  I have a single Storage named File, a
single Pool named RAIDPool and a single Catalog named MyCatalog.

Clients are named m0-fd, m4-fd and m5-fd.  Their FileSets are m0-FileSet,
m4-FileSet and m5-FileSet and Backup jobs are m0-Job, m4-Job and m5-Job.

Below is the relevant excerpts from bacula-dir.conf:

Job {
  Name = "RestoreFiles"
  Type = Restore
  Storage = File
  Pool = RAIDPool
  Client = m0-fd
  FileSet = m0-FileSet
  Messages = Standard
  Where = /tmp/bacula-restores

Console {
  Name = m4
  Password = "ValidPass"
  JobACL = m4-Job, RestoreFiles
  ClientACL = m4-fd
  StorageACL = *all*
  ScheduleACL = *all*
  PoolACL = *all*
  FileSetACL = m4-FileSet
  CatalogACL = *all*
  CommandACL = help, restore, run

Now please take a look at my restore session I have problems with:

m4# bconsole
Connecting to Director m0:9101
1000 OK: m0-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula

First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
to be restored. You will be presented several methods
of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.

To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
     1: List last 20 Jobs run
     2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
     3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
     4: Enter SQL list command
     5: Select the most recent backup for a client
     6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
     7: Enter a list of files to restore
     8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
     9: Cancel
Select item:  (1-9): 5
Automatically selected Client: m4-fd
Automatically selected FileSet: m4-FileSet

Here bacula correctly selected the only allowed FileSet for this
client -- m4-FileSet.  Let's go on...

| JobId | Level | JobFiles | StartTime           | VolumeName | StartFile | VolS
essionId | VolSessionTime |
| 31    | F     | 105210   | 2005-04-07 01:27:18 | raid-0041  | 0         | 3
         | 1112797662     |
You have selected the following JobId: 31
No authorization. Job "" not selected.

Building directory tree for JobId 31 ...  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 Job, 98,730 files inserted into the tree.

You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.

cwd is: /
$ cd /var/log
cwd is: /var/log/
$ mark messages
1 files marked.
$ done
Bootstrap records written to /raid/bacula/restore.bsr

The job will require the following Volumes:


1 file selected to be restored.

No authorization. FileSet "m0-FileSet".
You have messages.

Here server complains about nonauthorized FileSet for that client m0-FileSet.
It was taken from RestoreJob definition (see above).  Why?  Is it a bug?
How can I force bacula to use m4-FileSet which it already picked up?

Thanks in advance!

PS: I am more that willing to provide additional info if needed.

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