
I've noticed that running "update slots" marks as added any volumes
which have been added to the autochanger but doesn't mark as removed any
which have been removed. Here's a sample output:

*update slots
Automatically selected Storage: Autochanger
Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at ford:9103 ...
3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
Device "Autochanger" has 47 slots.
Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at ford:9103 ...
3306 Issuing autochanger "list" command.
Catalog record for Volume "000019L4" updated to reference slot 12.
Catalog record for Volume "000017L4" updated to reference slot 15.
Catalog record for Volume "000016L4" updated to reference slot 19.
Catalog record for Volume "000018L4" updated to reference slot 20.
Catalog record for Volume "000009L4" updated to reference slot 34.
Catalog record for Volume "000004L4" updated to reference slot 35.
Catalog record for Volume "000001L4" updated to reference slot 36.
Catalog record for Volume "000006L4" updated to reference slot 41.
Catalog record for Volume "000007L4" updated to reference slot 42.
Catalog record for Volume "000003L4" updated to reference slot 44.

I seem to remember in the past that it listed all the slots, including
empty ones but don't have anything else to compare against.

As a workaround I've been setting InChanger to 0 for all media in the
database and then running update slots.

It's a Dell TL4000 and bacula 2.4.3.

Any thoughts?

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