
On Wednesday 22 April 2009 00:22:25 Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> 21.04.2009 22:30, John Lockard wrote:
> > Has anyone seen anything like this before?
> No... this is with version 3.0.0, right?

Yes, this is 3.0.0.   John forgot to mention it but wisely included the whole 
job log :-)

> Looks like some output text buffer is used incorrectly...

Well, the real error is that the connection between the SD and FD was ended 
(Fatal error: Network error ...).

The rest of the output is just new output in 3.0.0 that should show the 
last "command" received, but is in fact a piece of some buffer -- most likely 
because something went wrong in John's networking.

If it re-occurs a lot it could possibly be a bug, but at this point, it looks 
like it is a typical network problem.



> Arno
> > 21-Apr 14:10 tibor-dir JobId 3240: Start Backup JobId 3240,
> > Job=Belobog-Data3-Users.2009-04-21_12.10.22_07 21-Apr 14:10 tibor-dir
> > JobId 3240: Using Device "NEO-LTO-1"
> > 21-Apr 14:11 tibor-sd JobId 3240: Spooling data ...
> > 21-Apr 16:10 tibor-dir JobId 3240: Fatal error: Network error with FD
> > during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer 21-Apr 16:10 tibor-sd JobId
> > 3240: Job Belobog-Data3-Users.2009-04-21_12.10.22_07 marked to be
> > canceled. 21-Apr 16:10 tibor-sd JobId 3240: Fatal error: fd_cmds.c:181 FD
> > command not found: s , including Bangladesh , voted in favour of
> > resolution 50 / 245 ; this included the five nuclear weapon States .
> > Bangladesh welcomes the decision of India and Pakistan , as announced by
> > their Prime Ministers in the General Assembly last year , to join the
> > CTBT . We see this as a positive step towards ensuring peace and security
> > in the South Asian region , and as conducive to fostering fruitful
> > economic cooperation in the region . Bangladeshs major concern , as a
> > least developed country , has been the high financial obligations that
> > would devolve on the States parties on account of the implementation of
> > the CTBT , including the expenses of the Preparatory Commission for the
> > Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization , of that organization
> > itself , and of the verification regime , including the international
> > CTBT monitoring system and the Provisional Technical Secretariat . As
> > coordinator of the least developed countries , Bangladesh has already
> > voiced the concern of those countries about this matter in various
> > relevant forums , including the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva . As
> > a party to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development ,
> > Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological ( Biological ) and Toxin
> > Weapons and on Their Destruction , Bangladesh is fully aware of its
> > responsibilities , and takes its obligations seriously .
> > By not having developed , acquired or stockpiled biological weapons ,
> > Bangladesh is in full compliance with the provisions of the Convention .
> > Full adherence to the Convention by all States would be an ultimate
> > guarantee ensuring the effective elimination of biological weapons .
> > There is therefore a clear need for charting a credible compliance regime
> > . In this context , Bangladesh welcomes the ongoing work of the ad hoc
> > group entrusted to negotiate a protocol to strengthen the Convention by
> > developing verification and compliance mechanisms . As for the Convention
> > on the Prohibition of the Development , Production , Stockpiling and Use
> > of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction , Bangladesh was among the
> > first to sign it , and although we have no chemical weapons programme or
> > facilities , we ratified the Convention two years ago . But ratification
> > of the Convention will have little meaning unless the major chemical
> > weapons countries join it . We emphasize the necessity of universal
> > adherence to the Convention , and call upon all States that have not done
> > so to become parties to the Convention without further delay . We also
> > underline the importance of the early initiation of activities under all
> > relevant provisions of the Convention by the Organization for the
> > Prohibition of Chemical Weapons . We call for an early convening of a
> > fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament .
> > It is time that the international community again reviewed the
> > implementation of the Final Document of the tenth special session of the
> > General Assembly as well as the outcomes of the subsequent special
> > sessions on disarmament , and took stock of the international security
> > and disarmament situation in the post @-@ cold @-@ war era . While
> > nuclear disarmament should remain the highest priority for us , we have
> > to identify the emerging challenges presented by the new era and
> > formulate an agreed plan of action to deal with these in a true spirit of
> > multilateralism . My delegation believes that only a special session of
> > the General Assembly can address the broad subject of disarmament ,
> > taking into account in particular its relationship to development , with
> > the comprehensiveness and thoroughness it deserves . In todays world ,
> > regional disarmament presents newer challenges .
> >
> > The continued arms race , which is a result of unresolved problems , is a
> > formidable source of threats to security and is draining considerable
> > resources from many countries at the cost of investment in economic and
> > social development . It is our belief that while regional confidence @-@
> > building measures can go a long way , true regional disarmament will
> > largely depend on understanding at the global level and on courageous
> > gestures from major Powers . Regional disarmament will not advance unless
> > legitimate security concerns are addressed adequately . In this
> > connection , we expect that the United_Nations Regional Centre for Peace
> > and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific will be given more support and
> > assistance in order for it to be more active in promoting the dialogue on
> > disarmament on the regional and subregional planes that has come to be
> > known as the Kathmandu process . Bangladesh strongly feels and has urged
> > that the Centre should operate entirely from Kathmandu and not from New
> > York as is now the case . There is no reason for the Centre to be run
> > from here . We shall expect that the Department of Disarmament Affairs ,
> > the creation of which we have wholeheartedly welcomed , will address this
> > question seriously , in complia21-Apr 16:10 tibor-sd JobId 3240: Job
> > write elapsed time = 01:58:41, Transfer rate = 7.568 M bytes/second
> > 21-Apr 16:10 tibor-sd JobId 3240: Committing spooled data to Volume
> > "000099L2". Despooling 54,071,140,570 bytes ... 21-Apr 16:10 tibor-dir
> > JobId 3240: Fatal error: No Job status returned from FD. 21-Apr 16:10
> > tibor-dir JobId 3240: Error: Bacula tibor-dir 3.0.0 (06Apr09):
> > 21-Apr-2009 16:10:28 Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> > redhat Enterprise release JobId:                  3240
> >   Job:                    Belobog-Data3-Users.2009-04-21_12.10.22_07
> >   Backup Level:           Full
> >   Client:                 "belobog" 3.0.0 (06Apr09)
> > x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,suse,10.0 FileSet:               
> > "belobog-data2-users" 2009-04-21 12:10:15 Pool:                  
> > "Radev-Full" (From Job FullPool override) Catalog:                "MySQL"
> > (From Client resource)
> >   Storage:                "Overland_Neo_4000" (From Pool resource)
> >   Scheduled time:         21-Apr-2009 12:10:21
> >   Start time:             21-Apr-2009 14:10:23
> >   End time:               21-Apr-2009 16:10:28
> >   Elapsed time:           2 hours 5 secs
> >   Priority:               30
> >   FD Files Written:       0
> >   SD Files Written:       0
> >   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
> >   SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
> >   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
> >   Software Compression:   None
> >   VSS:                    no
> >   Encryption:             no
> >   Accurate:               no
> >   Volume name(s):
> >   Volume Session Id:      4
> >   Volume Session Time:    1240324477
> >   Last Volume Bytes:      64,512 (64.51 KB)
> >   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
> >   SD Errors:              0
> >   FD termination status:  Error
> >   SD termination status:  Error
> >   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

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