> Windows Disaster Recovery with Bacula - how one guy did it
> http://paulspontifications.blogspot.com/2007/09/windows-disaster-
> recovery-with-bacula.html
> or http://tinyurl.com/yu2kts

I've done it that way before too, but building BartPE can be a real
PITA. The big advantage of the BartPE way though is that you can 'Just
Restore' and everything works (I don't know why that guy had so much
trouble, I just did a straightforward restore when I tried it).

The ASR method has the advantage that it automagically sets up your
partitions for you, which is great if you are restoring to the exact
same hardware, but a pain if you want to restore to a larger disk (I'm
in the middle of doing this right now). The ASR.SIF file format is a
little tricky to modify.


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