Item n:   Multiple concurrent jobs from one fileset and job definition
  Date:   25 November 2005
  Origin: Ove Risberg (Ove.Risberg at octocode dot com)

  What:   I want to start multiple backup jobs on one client to get the
          fastest possible backup of my server but I do not want a
          complicated configuration or restore process.

          The director could parse the FileSet and start one job for
          each File entry and send a modified FileSet definition to the
          file daemon for each job.

          A confiuration option should be used to enable or disable this
          feature and MaximumConcurrentJobs should be used to limit the
          number of jobs running at the same time.

          Bacula must be modified to handle full backups with the same
          ClientId, PoolId, FileSetId and SchedTime as one full backup
          and include all of them when making a restore or verify.

          No modifications has to be done to file and storage daemons.

          This is a example FileSet in bacula-dir.conf:
          FileSet {
            Name = "Full Set"
            Include {
              Options {
                Start_One_Job_For_Each_File_Entry = Yes
              File = /
              File = /usr
              File = /home
              File = /home/biguser
            Exclude { }

          This is the FileSet configurations sent to the file daemon for
          this example:
           Job 1: Include /, Exclude /usr, /home
           Job 2: Include /usr
           Job 3: Include /home, Exclude /home/biguser
           Job 4: Include /home/biguser

  Why:    Multiple concurrent backups of a large fileserver with many
          disks and controllers will be much faster.

  Notes:  I am willing to try to implement this but I will probably
          need some help and advice.

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