
As I'm rolling out bacula to more and more clients I've been seeing 
quite a few "Bacula Daemon Messages" in my (and thus also in my 
clients') mailbox.

 From what I've read these are messages that aren't tied to any specific 
job, but they seem to be saved until I open the bconsole on a clients' 
server. As soon as I do, there will be an email sent if there is any 
messages in the buffer. This is quite annoying as whenever I check 
something or change a setting, my clients will get an email they 
(usually) don't understand. Then I'll get a call to give an explanation, 

Now usually they're harmless messages like these:
- 08-Mar 11:27 server1-dir JobId 0: Max configured use duration=86,400 
sec. exceeded. Marking Volume "Dinsdag-0009" as Used.

Sometimes they should be linked to a jobid but aren't:
- 01-Mar 12:02 nbocholt-dir JobId 0: 2001 Job 
Backupnbocholt.2011-02-28_21.00.00_03 marked to be canceled.

Now I was wondering:
- Is there a way to turn off the functionality where it sends these 
messages whenever I check the bconsole? And instead just get them 
attached to normal daily job mails? This seems to happen for most 
clients if I didn't check bconsole that day already.
- Is it safe to just turn off daemon messages (ie: do they ever contain 
critical information not contained in normal backup messages or logs?) 
If so: how do I best turn them off? Delete the Daemon messages resource, 
just append them to the logs, only mail them on error, ...?

Kind regards,

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