
I would like to discuss the following subjects:

1. Bacula Release Status

2. Bacula Binaries

3. Windows Binaries

4. Next Bacula Version

5. Bacula's 20th Anniversary


1. Bacula Release Status
The latest Bacula version 9.6.2 was released today to Source Forge and to
www.bacula.org.  This is a new version release since the last one was
version 9.4.4.  This version includes many enhancements to Baculum (the
Web GUI interface to Bacula), new Statistic for the Dir, SD and FD that
can be shown in Baculum or sent to Graphite, and a Docker plugin. We are
a bit behind in the Docker documentation, but it will come in the next
couple of weeks.

Note: versions 9.6.0 and 9.6.1 were withdrawn due to a bug in building
the readline version of Bacula.

2. Bacula Binaries
Thanks to the build support from Bacula Systems, we now have binaries for a
number of popular distributions.  If you need additional distributions,
please notify us on the bacula-users email list.

The binary release format is with standard packaging using debs rpms, … that are
specific to each system.  However, unlike most Linux distributions, we
install the Community Binaries into the directory /opt/bacula as
recommended in the Bacula manual and as used by the Bacula Enterprise
Edition.  This Bacula file release standard is not uncommon and vastly
simplifies installation, support, backup and recovery of Bacula itself.
Basically, most of the release will be installed into /opt/bacula except
for the few system files that must be placed in certain locations such as
the start/stop scripts and the man text.

To get access to Bacula pre-built binaries please go to
www.bacula.org and on the main menu bar select Downloads -> Bacula Binary
Package Download, then fill out the registration.  Note, ultimately you
will receive a special download link that will give you access to the
binaries.  Please keep that link for future access to the binary repository
for updates and new releases.

3. Windows Binaries
Since version 9.0.0, we have re-integrated the Windows File daemon source
code, and built Windows Binaries packages.  They can be found in
www.bacula.org -> Downloads -> Binary Download Center. Version 9.6.2 are
currently available.

4. Next Bacula Version
We expected to include many more features in the next version thanks to Bacula
Systems work, but unfortunately these new features were more complicated to
backport than I had imagined, and I had to settle for a more modest release
(9.6.2). Based on the backporting difficulties due to the divergence of the
Community and Enterprise versions, Bacula Systems has been working hard to
make a "universal Bacula core code" version that includes both the Enterprise and Community code in a way that we can easily switch between the two versions,
as well as much more easily backport new features to and from the Community

Hopefully the next Bacula version will include a large number of new features written by Bacula Systems.  If all goes well this version will be released in about 9 months (roughly the end of 2020).

5. Bacula's 20th Anniversary
For those of you familiar with Bacula, you may know that Bacula had
its 20th birthday on January 1, 2020.  Twenty years of Bacula!!!!

Thanks for using Bacula — be hap because there is much more to



               Release Notes for Bacula 9.6.2

This is a new release with several new features and a number of bug
fixes.  The catalog database format remains unchanged from the 9.4.4 release

Note: Release-9.6.0 had a build error when using readline, and Release-9.6.1
had an inappropriate file size for the readline history file, so both releases
have been withdrawn.

Major Baculum New Features:
 - SELinux support
 - New graph types
 - Graphical client status
 - Graphical running job status
 - Capability to start, stop and restart components
 - Support for commands that can take a long time (label, estimate...)
 - List job files tab on the job history page
 - Bandwidth limit setting for client and for job
 - New statistics configuration page
 - Improvements to responsive interface
 - Option to show size unit values as decimal or binary bytes
 - Support for new directives
 - New Web controls (password, speed, multiple textbox)
 - New API functions
 - Job history list on job page

Bacula New features:
- Docker plugin.  Documentation for this plugin is not yet ready,
    but will be forthcoming within a few weeks.
- Statistics Collector for Dir, FD, and SD (interface to Graphite)
  - New Statistics resource
    Documentation for this feature is in the New Features section of
    the main manual
- Support for MacOS suspend in File daemon
- SD SyncOnClose directive in Device resource

 - Apply fix for history size from Martin Simmons
 - Fix missing part of patch 8135b9d21d -- readline truncate fix
 - baculum: Fix using bconsole with sudo on Fedora if SELinux is enabled
 - baculum: Add copy, CSV and column visibility buttons to tables
 - baculum: Add buttons and colvis DataTables plugins
 - baculum: Add additional values to job and volume API endpoints
 - docker: Replace realloc_pm() for check_size().
 - Update pluglib.
 - Fix Docker Plugin for accurate backup.
 - Docker: add baculatar docker image.
 - Win32: update Windows build to including needed collector files
 - Get Branch-9.4 ReleaseNotes
 - Update po POTFILES.in and version
 - Get ChangeLog from Branch-9.4
 - baculum: Update Polish translations for API and Web
 - baculum: Update Portuguese translations for API and Web
 - Fix cats-test.c compile
 - baculum: Upgrade W3.CSS from version 4.10 to 4.13
 - Add Docker Plugin for FileDaemon.
 - Add pluglib fd plugin support utilities.
 - Redesigning PM management add missing files.
 - baculum: Fix delete job button visibility
 - baculum: Add to BVFS lsdirs, lsfiles and versions endpoints new output=raw/json
 - baculum: Update spec and deb files
 - baculum: Do not try to switch to new user in API and Web install wizards
 - baculum: Improve Polish translations
 - baculum: Fix maximum length for basic auth password fields
 - baculum: Start storing basic auth passwords in APR MD5 format
 - baculum: Fix button to reopen change user password setting
 - baculum: Fix sorting clients in fileset browser window
 - baculum: Improve showing create new resource messages
 - baculum: Improve texts in restore wizard
 - baculum: Use new icons in restore and fileset browsers
 - baculum: Fix PHP error on storage view page with autochanger coming from
  host different than main (reported by Jose Alberto)
 - baculum: Fix internal error on restore page if MySQL catalog database is
 - baculum: Avoid doing redundant API calls by job monitor
 - baculum: Add support to restore from copy jobs
 - baculum: Add API changes to support restore from copy jobs
 - baculum: Add script for checking if Baculum files are installed correctly
  - baculum: Refactor authentication, authorization and exceptions
 - Fix #5708 about "cancel all" command issue
 - baculum: Bandwidth limit window improvements
 - baculum: Add auto-refreshing job tables
 - baculum: Add progress bar to restore jobs on status client
 - baculum: Add job name parameter to monitor
 - baculum: Add table filters
 - baculum: Add restore progress bar
 - baculum: In job status avoid calling client if job isn't running
 - Fix compilation on Solaris
 - baculum: Extend max length for client secret field to maximum allowed secret
 - baculum: Improvements to messages resource
 - baculum: Implement swipe event and use it to hide main menu on mobile devices
 - baculum: Group directives into sections in config directive list
 - baculum: Fix problem with shaking spinning icons on Firefox
 - baculum: Add confirm window to delete job action
 - baculum: Add job history list on job page
 - baculum: Fix loading first job setting in run job window on window open
 - baculum: Add in API wizard example sudo configuration for bconsole and JSON
 - baculum: Make resource config page buttons always available
 - baculum: Fix language setting in config wizard during first run
 - baculum: Fix refreshing job status only when actions tab is open
 - baculum: Miscellaneous improvements to schedule configuration
 - baculum: Extend combobox control to support associative arrays as data
 - Fix for #0005391: show negative values.
 - Fix #5546 about incorrect level for job resumed
 - baculum: Move refresh job button and log order button to job log tab
 - baculum: Set job values on job selection in run job window
 - baculum: Turn application mode to normal
 - baculum: Add jsmin-php as framework dependency
 - baculum: Fix small issues with old not using svg icons
 - Fix error on .ls when plugin name without ':'
 - baculum: Add list job files to job history view page
 - baculum: Add list job files API endpoint
 - tray-monitor: fix potential memory corruption
 - Fix #5461 #5513 #4717 About WroteVol non-zero message
 - Update Docker Plugin build procedure.
 - docker: Add Docker Plugin DKID unittest.
 - Add Docker Plugin regression tests - more files.
 - Add Docker Plugin regression tests.
 - build: Add Makefile update to fd plugin builds.
 - baculum: Fix PHP error on running job status page and client status page
 - baculum: Fix support for UTF-8 currency symbols in paths - reported by
  Frédéric F.
 - Fix running job count in status output
 - baculum: Fix directing to default API page when API settings has not been
  created yet
 - baculum: Set default refresh interval for status client
 - baculum: Improve selecting storage value in run job window
 - baculum: Fix saving to config empty runscript subresources
 - baculum: Add graphical running job status on running job page
 - baculum: Add progress bars to backup jobs displaying on status client page
 - baculum: Fix displaying SqlQuery value in selection type job directive
 - baculum: Add to client status modal window to set bandwidth limit for job
 - baculum: Add API endpoint to set job bandwidth limit
 - baculum: Add to client status modal window to set bandwidth limit for client
 - baculum: Add API endpoint to set client bandwidth limit
 - baculum: Add UnitType and AllowRemove parameters to speed type directive
 - baculum: Don not use data description and data dependencies modules initialization
 - baculum: Improve checking dependencies
 - baculum: Fix running job twice when job is running by run job window
 - baculum: Changes to proper working list type controls on page load
 - baculum: Change Font Awesome SVG icons into web fonts icons
 - Add new psk-enable-test
 - baculum: Fix removing fileset options subresources
 - baculum: Make loading configuration controls easier
 - baculum: Enable adding multiple file set file browser controls on the same
 - baculum: Fix using nested directives in repeater control
 - baculum: Misc changes to keep backward compatibility in API endpoints
 - baculum: Fix scrolling to new runscript subresource on add new runscript
 - baculum: Change way of working directive renderer
 - baculum: Split API panel, oauth, api and page parts into separate services
 - baculum: Add component start/stop/restart actions to Web
 - baculum: Update API SELinux module for new component action policies
 - baculum: Implement component start/stop/restart actions in API
 - baculum: Show error message on status client request if client is not available
 - baculum: Implement graphical status client
 - baculum: Update Font Awesome icons to version 5.9.0
 - baculum: Add output=raw/json parameter to show client API endpoint
 - baculum: Add status client API endpoint
 - baculum: Remove deprecated and not used directives
 - baculum: On restore wizard job list add link to job history for specific
 - baculum: Fix showing job size value on jobs on volume page
 - baculum: Minor fixes and improvements in fileset file browser
 - baculum: Allow dollar character in bconsole commands (used for paths)
 - baculum: Enable restoring data from locations included in paths defined in
 - baculum: Make 'Run job' and 'Perform restore' buttons clickable at whole
  theirs area
 - baculum: Miscellaneous improvements to use restore file browsers on different
  screen sizes and mobile devices
 - baculum: Fix removing items from selected file browser in restore wizard
 - baculum: Unify config module menus look
 - baculum: Create multiple combobox control and use it in console ACL directives
 - baculum: Add timeout to first refresh job log to have log output earlier
 - baculum: Do not show unknown job level for admin job type
 - baculum: Add new directives and new resources support
 - baculum: Fix setting selected items in list directive controls
 - baculum: Add version number to API and Web - idea proposed by Wanderlei
 - baculum: Disable emulation prepared statements for MySQL to solve problem
  getting every value as string
 - baculum: Apply framework patch that fixes SQL error when native MySQL prepare
  statements are used
 - baculum: Add new graph types
 - baculum: Add statistics resource support
 - baculum: Add option to show size unit values as decimal or binary bytes
 - Add a Bacula statistics collection routine.
 - Fix incorrect ASSERTD().
 - baculum: Fix showing unit for size and time period directive types
 - baculum: Add missing speed type control to support speed type directives -
  reported by Wanderlei Huttel
 - Fix comment
 - baculum: Fix #2477 escaping backslashes in config in text directive types
 - Fix bug 2476 -- copy/migration jobs fail when waiting for a new Volume
 - Add copy-jobspan-label-wait-test to do_all
 - Add two new regression tests submitted by Martin Simmons for bug 2476
 - Add bsmtp Message-Id/MIME-Version/Content-Type headers.
 - baculum: Fix #2474 error 404 if document root path uses link with ending
  slash - fix suggested by vondi
 - Add Michael Narigon as author for Mac heap implementation
 - Remove bacula32.def and bacula64.def.
 - Redesigning PM management and add support for macOS.
 - baculum: Add password field control and use it for password directives
 - baculum: Add SELinux modules for Web and API
 - baculum: Remove php database extensions dependency from web requirements
 - Add tests/restart-jobmedia-test to do_all
 - baculum: Update API documentation to job estimate endpoint
 - baculum: Use in run job window estimate command in background to avoid HTTP
 - baculum: Move running job estimation to background in API part
 - baculum: Prevent selecting in restore file browser directories placed in   locations that are outside paths defined in fileset - reported by Wanderlei
 - baculum: Fix removing path items selected to restore in restore wizard
 - baculum: Fix clearing restore path field after selecting backup in restore
 - baculum: Update API documentation
 - baculum: Add API endpoints to update slots with and without barcodes and use
  them in on web interface side
 - baculum: Use on web interface side new API endpoints to label volume with and
  without barcodes
 - baculum: Add API endpoints to label volume with and without barcodes
 - baculum: Update run job API endpoint in API documentation
 - baculum: Request #2469 add start and cancel buttons on job history list
 - baculum: Add filesetid parameter to run job API endpoint
 - baculum: Set column visibility priorities for status schedule tables in
  responsive mode

 - Fix bug 2476 -- copy/migration jobs fail when waiting for a new Volume
 - Add copy-jobspan-label-wait-test to do_all
 - Add two new regression tests submitted by Martin Simmons for bug 2476
 - Add bsmtp Message-Id/MIME-Version/Content-Type headers.
 - baculum: Fix #2474 error 404 if document root path uses link with ending
  slash - fix suggested by vondi
 - Add Michael Narigon as author for Mac heap implementation
 - Remove bacula32.def and bacula64.def.
 - Redesigning PM management and add support for macOS.
 - baculum: Add password field control and use it for password directives
 - baculum: Add SELinux modules for Web and API
 - baculum: Remove php database extensions dependency from web requirements
 - Add tests/restart-jobmedia-test to do_all
 - baculum: Update API documentation to job estimate endpoint
 - baculum: Use in run job window estimate command in background to avoid HTTP
 - baculum: Move running job estimation to background in API part
 - baculum: Prevent selecting in restore file browser directories placed in   locations that are outside paths defined in fileset - reported by Wanderlei
 - baculum: Fix removing path items selected to restore in restore wizard
 - baculum: Fix clearing restore path field after selecting backup in restore
 - baculum: Update API documentation
 - baculum: Add API endpoints to update slots with and without barcodes and use
  them in on web interface side
 - baculum: Use on web interface side new API endpoints to label volume with and
  without barcodes
 - baculum: Add API endpoints to label volume with and without barcodes
 - baculum: Update run job API endpoint in API documentation
 - baculum: Request #2469 add start and cancel buttons on job history list
 - baculum: Add filesetid parameter to run job API endpoint
 - baculum: Set column visibility priorities for status schedule tables in
  responsive mode
 - baculum: Add status schedule endpoint to API documentation
 - baculum: Fix showing graphs if exists finished job with empty start time
 - baculum: Fix TPhpFatalErrorException exception on job view page with PHP
  version lower than 5.5
 - baculum: Extend log parser to support restore client, job name and volume
 - Rework fsync patch for win32
 - Fix Windows SD compilation
 - Add Cython detection
 - Add SyncOnClose Storage Device directive
 - Add db_get_jobmedia_record() function
 - Check JobMedia validity after an incomplete job

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
0005391 2469 2474 2477 5461 5546 5708

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