On Wednesday 18 July 2007 19:55, Daniel J. Priem wrote:
> Hi Kern,
> at first i would thank you for so good software. Good Job.


> The next is, that i tried to post to the mailinglist and i get a message
> back for awaiting moderator-appoval, but my message never goes onto the
> mailinglist.

If you are not subscribed to the list, it may take a day or two sometimes 
longer until our manual spam prevention person takes a personal look.

I've copied the lists on this reply so they will see your Feature request.  
However, at first view, it doesn't seem to be in the proper format.  You 
might want to see:

 www.bacula.org -> Feature Requests

Best regards,


> Can you please check the mailinglistinterface?
> below is one of my messages attached.
> Best Regards
> Daniel

 Date: Yesterday 22:37:34
 From: "Daniel J. Priem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (Flexserv)
 Reply to: "Daniel J. Priem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Message was signed on 2007-07-17 22:37 with unknown key 0x53D8DD4B7B196671.
The validity of the signature cannot be verified.
Status: No public key to verify the signature
i have about 50 clients to backup and needs some bwlimit for the
SD connected to 1Gbit behind firewall (own subnet)
SD is able to write about 900Mbit.
FDs are connected to 100Mbit.
FDs are able to send with more than 100Mbit. (about 500 Mbit total)

Currently i run in 2 Problems

1. If a FD sends data to the SD it will saturate his own link, so wont
   be able to do other things on the network, and is also not usable
   accesible for other Users on the network.

2. If i backup multiple FDs at the same time the link to the SD gets
   saturated, and also the network is unusable on the subnet where the
   SD lives.

2. can be solved by not backing up too much clients simultan

1. can be solved if i put for every client a setting on the firewall
FD-net > SD-net dest baculaports bwlimit xxxKb

2. i would like to backup at much at possible clients simultan to make
   the backuptime very short
1. will putt a ot of load onto the firewall and administrative work on
my shoulders.
( I ve also thinked about doing trafficshaping on the SD per client with
some bridgingtools etc...)

So any suggestions from your side?

Best would be to have

Director {
  Name = mydirector
  Password = "secret"
  BWLimit = 50M
Or such a setting on the director in clients-config part.

Bets Regards and thanks for any hints in advance


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