If I've got users who quite rightly don't leave their machines on all 
night what's the best way to configure Bacula to vary the start times 
according to when it sees a machine pop up on the network?

I'm guessing that I should use something like the following 
bacula-dir.conf settings: -

Director {


  FD Connect Timeout = 14400    # Keep trying File Daemons for up to 4 hours



Job {


  Max Start Delay = 14400    # Cancel job if it hasn't started after 4 hours

  Rerun Failed Levels = yes



I'm not sure whether I need to specify the 'FD Connect Timeout' though.  
If I leave it out and someone turns on their laptop within the four hour 
period specified in 'Max Start Delay' will Bacula have given up trying 
to contact the laptop's file daemon?

- David.

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