I am just running my first ``real'' backup job.  It consists of
backing up roughly 300GB of data via a 75GB spool partition to a DLT
VS80 drive.  While the process generally works as expected, I am
somewhat disappointed by the performance:  According to the `status
all' statistics, Bacula 1.36.3 achieves roughly 1.5MB/s, and is
shoe-shining the tape during despooling quite a bit.  Note that the
drive itself is rated for 3 MB/s, a speed it does indeed achieve,
e.g., when using tar with some double buffering (to compensate for
large numbers of small files).  I had hoped that Bacula's spooling
mechanism would actually manage to keep the tape streaming.

My current setup has all daemons running on the same machine:  An Athlon XP
1700+ CPU, 512 MB RAM, Adaptec 2400 IDE RAID-5 with 4x300GB disks and
128MB of on-board cache, and a Benchmark DLT VS80 drive.  The spool
disk is a dedicated 80GB IDE disk holding only the spool data.

I'd be grateful for any help diagnosing this slow-down. If you need
further info, please let me know.

Andreas Koch

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