Item  45?:  Improve how bacula handles tcpip connections when they drop 
(or are just not answered) unexpectedly both at the beginning and in the 
middle of a backup.
   Date:   January 29, 2008
   Origin: Bob Hetzel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Status: New

   What:   Part A: Currently, when a bacula client has a firewall on it 
that isn't set up properly to allow the server to connect in (or is just 
down), it takes bacula a long time to figure that out.  Part B: When a 
client goes away in the middle of a backup (i.e. shut down or just taken 
off the network due to being a laptop on the move) bacula takes a long 
time to figure that out and terminate the backup.

   Why:    Workarounds have been suggested such as creating a "before
job" that pings the client.  That is only a partial resolution to
part A and is no resolution to part B, because it tests general 
connectivity to the client without specific bacula connectivity
(i.e. response to a ping is not the same as response to a connection
on port 9102).  In addition, that doesn't resolve the problems created 
when backing up a laptop or other computer that gets shut off or moved 
in the middle of a backup.  Also, many IT shops have created policies to 
turn off ping responses due security situations they can create, for 
instance under Microsoft Windows.

   Notes:  It seems rather obvious to me that implementing part A is 
substantially easier than part B, but both seem rather related and could 
share code.  Part A would be really nice even without part B. though. 
This would also allow the code to give a better message to the server 
which currently just suggests a password problem or bacula not running. 
  Having a way to check if the director connected at all to the bacula 
client would allow for a more specific error message.  I also understand 
that this might require a change in the FD code--thus making older 
clients incompatible with the newer bacula server daemons, so perhaps a 
way to turn it on or off would be helpful too.

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