
For a long time I've had a script that will extract various data from 
the tape drive.  This script is probably FreeBSD-specific; each OS 
has its own special way to talk to the device.  Last night I started 
dumping some of these stats to a file:

2007/10/09.18:50        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/09.18:53        DLT7000-002     284
2007/10/09.18:55        DLT7000-002     284
2007/10/10.01:10        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/10.01:10        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/10.01:10        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/10.01:13        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/10.01:13        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/10.01:29        DLT7000-002     281
2007/10/10.02:00        DLT7000-002     276
2007/10/10.03:19        DLT7000-002     276
2007/10/10.03:20        DLT7000-002     275

The fields are: timestamp, label, corrected errors per GB.

Using gnuplot, I created this graph of the above data:


Here are some of the stats I can grab:

$ sudo ~/bin/dlt-read sa0
The tape is 'sa0'
                Corrected errors with substantial delay: 0
                Corrected errors with possible delay   : 0
                Total errors                           : 0
                Total errors corrected                 : 0
                Total times correction algorithm used  : 0
                Total bytes processed                  : 494880
                Total corrected errors / GB            : 0
                Total uncorrected errors               : 0
                Read compression ratio                 : 600%
                On tape Mbytes read                    : 0
                On tape kbytes read residual           : 22197

$ sudo ~/bin/dlt-write sa0
The tape is 'sa0'
                Corrected errors with substantial delay: 0
                Corrected errors with possible delay   : 0
                Total errors                           : 9881
                Total errors corrected                 : 9881
                Total times correction algorithm used  : 0
                Total bytes processed                  : 38506160560
                Total corrected errors / GB            : 275
                Total uncorrected errors               : 0
                Write compression ratio                : 265%
                Host requested Mbytes written          : 76981
                Host requested kbytes written residual : 468992
                On tape Mbytes written                 : 29103
                On tape kbytes written residual        : 0

Anything can be plotted easily enough. I should really grab all these 
stats and put them into the file.

The gnuplot script used to create that graph is:

set terminal png
set output 'tape-stats.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d.%H:%M"
set xrange ["2007/10/09.18:00":"2007/10/10.04:00"]
set yrange [270:290]
set format x "%H:%M"
set timestamp "Graph created: %Y/%m/%d %H:%M"
plot "/home/dan/bacula/dlt-statistics" using 1:3 with linespoints \ 
title 'Corrected Errors/GB'

The contents of /home/dan/bacula/dlt-statistics is accumulated 
through this RunAfter script (be aware of line-wrapping in this 

 $ cat /home/dan/bin/dlt-stats

. dlt-functions


# Grab the stats for the current DLT tape

ERRORS_PER_GB=`sudo /home/dan/bin/dlt-write sa0 | grep 'Total 
corrected errors / GB' | awk '{print $7}'`

#echo "Errors per GB is '${ERRORS_PER_GB}'"

# What tape is now in the tape drive?

# Get the status of the storage device
STATUS=`echo 'status storage=DLT' | bconsole | egrep 'Device "DLT" 
\(/dev/nsa0\) is mounted with Volume=".*" Pool=".*"'`

# Get the line with the VOLUME on it
#echo 'STATUS is ' . ${STATUS}
VOLUMEPHRASE=`echo ${STATUS} | awk '{print $7}'`
VOLUME=`echo ${VOLUMEPHRASE} | sed -e 's:Volume="::g' -e 's:"::g'`

TIMESTAMP=`date "+%Y/%m/%d%.%H:%M"`

#echo ${VOLUME}

echo -e "${TIMESTAMP}\t${VOLUME}\t${ERRORS_PER_GB}" >> 

The dlt-functions file is about 150 lines and uses camcontrol to send 
just the right commands to the device.  For example:

camcontrol cmd $tape -v -t 3 -c "4d 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 4c 0" -i 76 ... 

Dan Langille - http://www.langille.org/
Available for hire: http://www.freebsddiary.org/dan_langille.php

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