It isn't just on the ground: military robots have been taking to the skies—and the seas and space, too. And the field is rapidly aadvancing. The robotic systems now rolling out in prototype stage are far more capable, intelligent, and autonomous than ones already in service in Iraq and Afghanistan. But even they are just the start. As one robotics executive put it at a demonstration of new military prototypes a couple of years ago, "The robots you are seeing here today I like to think of as the Model T. These are not what you are going to see when they are actually deployed in the field. We are seeing the very first stages of this technology." And just as the Model T exploded on the scene—selling only 239 cars in its first year and over one million a decade later—the demand for rrobotic warriors is growing very rapidly.


Posted By johannes to <>monochrom at 2/06/2009 05:06:00 PM

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