Great... <>Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling is hitting the blogosphere again! <> reports... What do you do when the XBox 360 has gone down, your Nintendo DSi is on the fritz, and even your board games aren't around because you sold them at your yard sale? You and some friends, sitting around on your thumbs is no way to spend Saturday night.

What you need are Hand Games! Everyone with hands can play them, and we all have hands! OK, most of us have hands. Those that don't can referee or be enthusiastic spectators!


Maybe you're just all thumbs when it comes to hand games. If that's the case, I'm sure you'd excel at the latest in thumb wars – multiplayer! No more one on one, with your cousin with the freakishly monkey like thumb that reach your thumb even while it's still in the air. Level the playing field by bringing in the rest of the mutated family and friends.


Posted By johannes to <>monochrom at 11/01/2009 04:22:00 PM

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