Devastating stampede

2005-08-31 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
I just heard the awful saddening news of a stampede in Iraq today in which some 700 (mostly women children) Shi`ite Muslim pilgrims died in a stampede. I'd like for us to say prayers for the souls of the deceased, and for their loved ones survivors, and for peace and tranquillity to prevail,

RE: Devastating stampede

2005-08-31 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Say what?! Are you making a sick joke or what? Shoghi Effendi is talking about the actions of the Shi`ah **ecclesiastical order** and the wave of secularization in Persia then. Children are not punished for the bad deeds of their parents. Iskandar On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Max Jasper wrote: It

Re: Religious truth relative (was Re: A humble Plea)

2005-08-30 Thread Iskandar Hai
Dear Alex: Brent has done quite a bit of good research about all those instances in which Shoghi Effendi the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith talks about the relativity of religious truth in one way or another and I'd like to ask him to share his thoughts with us, again. Every time Shoghi Effendi

Re: Hypothetical persecution in the future versus actual persecution now.

2005-08-30 Thread Iskandar Hai
It is appalling and deplorable that religious/worship practices of any Faith community are curtailed in any country, any society. I don't think the size of that religious community matters much. Curtailing the worship/religious practices on any Faith community has to be condemned. I also

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-30 Thread Iskandar Hai
Thanks Rich for your clarifications. I agree with you; you made my points. Quoting Rich Ater [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Dear Gilberto, Susan, Iskandar, and everyone else. The point I was making is that this was to my mind a case of some Muslims persecuting my daughter because she was a

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-30 Thread Iskandar Hai
You finally got it, I'd imagine. Phew! Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: On 8/30/05, Iskandar Hai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks Rich for your clarifications. I agree with you; you made my points. Yes, with the wisdom of Solomon... a very balanced and tactful summing up

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
Huh! complicated situation! They simply harrassed and intimidated a child. complicated. My foot. Iskandar Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: On 8/28/05, Rich Ater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Over a period of time she started telling me about the things that had gone on. Kids would

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
objective validity?! Give me a break, please. Iskandar Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: You are still trying to personalize the issues instead of admitting that they have any objective validity. Peace Gilberto The information contained in this e-mail and any

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
Now, this *is* a persoanl attack. Now, Susan is the insensitive, callous, intolerant bigot! And in what ways would you suggesst we tell our stories? Iskandar Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: But what I'm trying to convey is that certain stories told in certain ways are

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
I didn't say the early Babis were Muslims. I said they had Shi`ah *expectations*. Everyone now recognizes that the Babi Faith is an independent religion, different from the Baha'i Faith and different from Islam. But this is now. Back then, the early Babis had a different self-perception and

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
You didn't understand Rich's point. The stealing (oh, go ahead and amputate her hands and fingers if you want too) came after she had been harrassed and intimidated by her classmates and neither the teachers nor the principal did anything to stop the bullying. This kind of intimdation is all

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
I have to repeat and re-repeat: the fact that the early Babis perhaps misunderstood the nature of their religion exactly and clearly does *NOT* change their own self-understanding 150-160 years ago. Got that? Iskandar The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments thereto

RE: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
Dear Mark: He was attacking Susan, not me. His comment to Susan was that she didn't care about his concerns. That's ad hominem. The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments thereto (e-mail) is sent by the Johnson County Community College (JCCC) and is intended to be

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
You see, a bunch of school kids intimidate and harrass a 6-year old girl because of what her religion is. Got that? Now, the right response is to simply condemn the school faculty and principal for not stopping the abuse. If an African American child is subjected to bullying and intimidation

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
And I have to repeat and re-repeat again that you are mistaken. And your point about the religion of the Bab abrogating the Quran is totally irrelevant to this discussion. Iskandar Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: You don't have to repeat and re-repeat. I think we are talking

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
You are trying to dilute and muddy the issue to lessen the blame of your fellow Muslims who happened to run that school. Change in demographics or change in faculty does *NOT* absolve those *Muslim* teachers and principal who stood by and did nothing. Got that? They are blameworthy. Plain and

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
You quoted some passages from the Quran. I'm saying that there are other passages in the Quran that aren't as nice. Such as the passges in the ninth chapter of the Quran or the passages about Abu-Lahab. Again, there are tons of passages in the Baha'i Sacred Writings about being kind and

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai
Oh, so now I'm angry and sarcastic and defensive, etc., etc. and you are portraying yourself as understanding and empathetic or whatever. I'm not asking you to condemn the school fcaulty of *my* elementary school. I have been defending Islam in many forums. And I will continue to do so. I'm

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
responses and your attitude make me wonder what you say to people when you defend Islam. Peace Gilberto On 8/29/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Who is talking about *world* problems? We are talking about what happened, by *Muslim* faculty and principal, at a school

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
: On 8/29/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It's important to make that point because you cannot portray the Quran as the one and only Holy Book which has nice stuff in it solely. I think we should be careful here. If the Bahai faith teaches that the Quran is the word of God

Re: 2000 Years of suffering

2005-08-29 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
No, you are distorting my words, and misrepresenting the message of Baha'u'llah. Everyone on this list knows that. Iskandar On Mon, 29 Aug 2005, Gilberto Simpson wrote: On 8/29/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just keep on distorting my words. Go ahead. I know your

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-28 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
It seems that you are arguing and contending with facts. I'm not sure if there is much point then in continuing the dialog. But, anyhow, you quoted two excerpts from that anti-Babi and anti-Baha'i website and the excerpts pointed to specific teachings purportedly in the Arabic Bayan,

Re: next Prophet=+1,000 solar or lunar years?

2005-08-27 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Bear in mind that Persians use a *solar* Muslim calendar. So, there will be no discrepancy. Right now, it's year 1384 A.H. (solar) Warmest regards, Iskandar The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments thereto (e-mail) is sent by the Johnson County Community College

Re: Body Position, Qiblih and Baha'i Burial

2005-08-27 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Dear Steve: The body of the deceased is laid to rest in a supine position, with the soles of the feet of the deceased soul facing the qiblih. This means that, were the deceased to stand up, s/he would face the qiblih. Warmest regards, Iskandar The information contained in this e-mail

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
You don't understand. The Babis were not born into Babi families. They were born into Shi`ah Muslim families for generations. They expected, according to their own Shi`ah hadith traditions, that the Promised One would cause rivers of blood to flow. The Shi`ah still have very militant expectations.

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-27 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
First of all, that website is an unscholarly polemical attack on the Babi and Baha'i religions; it's full of misrepresentations, distortions, mistranslations, false claims and outright errors. If you read Arabic, you can see and read the Arabic Bayan for yourself on the web. For instance, here is

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Iskandar Hai
The fact is that Baha'is have not been unkind to Muslims. In fact, the surviving Baha'i family of a Baha'i martyr even interceded with the Russian judge to forgive the pepetrators. What else would one want? Regarding Babis and their actions: one needs to remember who the Babis were. They were

Re: 2000 Years of suffering (Was Baha'is in Nazi Germany)

2005-08-26 Thread Iskandar Hai
No one expects a non-Baha'i to believe in the infallibility of the Baha'i Universal House of Justice. But the Universal House of Justice is charged with certain responsibilities in the Baha'i Sacred Writings and they are all enshrined in it constitution. There is no mention anywhere in any

Re: Baha'is in Nazi Germany

2005-08-23 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Dear Gilberto: I understand your concerns and worries. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't presume to know how/if God punishes people but I do know that He hasn't given me any authority to punish anyone. I'm also confident that the Universal House of Justice is charged with promoting peace

Re: Request you help

2005-07-19 Thread Iskandar Hai
Is there any credible evidence for the authenticity of the Gospel of Barnabas? My understanding is that the consensus of the scholarly community is that it's a fake, a medieval Moorish forgery. Unreliable and inauthentic.

RE: Rights and Responsibilities

2005-07-16 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Who is the publisher? Where is it printed? Regards, Iskandar On Sat, 16 Jul 2005, Susan Maneck wrote: Dear Mike, That is a link to supposedly *all* the published letters from the House. But without seeing the compuilation I'm looking for I have no idea which ones are included or not.

Re: A hadith

2005-06-08 Thread Iskandar Hai
There were allegations that SalmAn the Persian was teaching Him and tutoring Him, etc., etc. The Holy Quran attests to that too. Warmest regards, Iskandar Quoting Mark A. Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi, folks, Someone posted this alleged hadith on an email list. Does anyone know anything

RE: puzzled by Jim

2005-05-28 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
I haven't been following this thread very closley but the following just struck me. Perhaps you made a typographical error or something? I knw that Susan and Khazeh responded to you quite cogently. As you know, the whole theme of the BayAn, the Aqdas, and just about all of our Sacred Writings is

RE: Common Faith

2005-05-03 Thread Iskandar Hai
I was trying to see if I could download it from the World Centre's International Library but I couldn't find it there. Does anyone know how to get a digital electronic copy of this document? I couldn't find it on the website yesterday. but the hyperlink

RE: Common Faith

2005-05-03 Thread Iskandar Hai
Quoting Iskandar Hai [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I was trying to see if I could download it from the World Centre's International Library but I couldn't find it there. Does anyone know how to get a digital electronic copy of this document? I couldn't find it on the website yesterday

Re: happy fasting

2005-03-10 Thread Iskandar Hai
Many thanks, Gilberto. Happy fasting is just fine. Alternatively, you might want to wish that someone's fasting and prayer would be acceptable in the sight of God the Well-Beloved, the Unconstrained. After all, the very life of all goodly deeds is God's dood pleasure, and all things depend upon

New York Times article on March 2nd 2005

2005-03-02 Thread Iskandar Hai
Just fyi... __ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: To unsubscribe, send a blank email to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe, use subscribe

RE: Just Government` and/or just war

2005-02-11 Thread Iskandar Hai
There are passages in `Abdu'l-Baha's Secret of Divine Civilization from around pages 59-60 to page 71 which, I'd think, are somewhat relevant to this discussion at least indirectly. Also, I'd think, it's worthwhile for us Baha'is to ponder, reflect, and think deeply about the various possible

The Baha'i Faith and the World's Religions (fwd)

2005-02-09 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
For bibliophiles, FYI... -- Forwarded message -- Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 23:37:52 + From: Moojan Momen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: The Baha'i Faith and the World's Religions Announcing the publication of: The Baha'i Faith and the World's Religions Papers presented at the Irfan

Re: Islamic Prophecies and the Baha'i Faith

2005-02-08 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
End of discussion. [Shakir 109:2] I do not serve that which you serve, [Yusufali 109:2] I worship not that which ye worship, [Pickthal 109:2] I worship not that which ye worship; [Shakir 109:3] Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve: [Yusufali 109:3] Nor will ye worship that which I worship. [Pickthal

Re: Islamic Prophecies and the Baha'i Faith - 1 [MM] posted first in 1999 !

2005-02-07 Thread Iskandar Hai
Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Fifth, in terms of closed-mindedness I don't think I'm any more closed-minded to the Bahai faith than Bahais are to Islam. If people came up with better and more attractive and persuasive answers to my questions I would certainly be willing to

Re: Islamic Prophecies and the Baha'i Faith - 1 [MM] posted first in 1999 !

2005-02-07 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Gilberto Simpson wrote: Iskandar: The fact is that the Bab, Baha'u'llah, and `Abdu'l-Baha and all Baha'is do accept Islam, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Christianity, Jesus Christ, Judaism, Moses, etc. as valid and Divinely ordained religions and Meesengers/Prophets

Re: Islamic Prophecies and the Baha'i Faith - 1 [MM] posted first in 1999 !

2005-02-07 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Go in peace, Gilberto, go in peace. There is not much use in further discussion(s) with you. Go in peace. May God be with you Regards, Iskandar On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Gilberto Simpson wrote: On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 19:16:03 -0500 (EST), Iskandar Hai, M.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mon, 7

RE: Resolving perplexities

2005-02-01 Thread Iskandar Hai
I'd also add that common sense dictates that the line might and would very well break at some point. `Abdu'l-Baha didn't need omniscience or prescience to know this common sense thing. Besides, He was well aware of what happend in Shi`ah Islam when Hasan Askari died without any male issue.

Re: Prophets aren't fortunetellers

2005-02-01 Thread Iskandar Hai
My view is that He didn't know. Nobody knows about the future. Future is not something that is decreed from before or pre-planned by God, and then unfolds, and if one is really smart (I guess in a spiritual sense) then one can see the future. Future is not decreed nor

Re: Prophets aren't fortunetellers

2005-02-01 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
we have chosen it. I'm not saying He planns what we will choose. He jist knows. Love, Iskandar On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Ahang Rabbani wrote: --- Iskandar Hai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Do you think that God too was as much in the dark about whom I would marry as I was? I'm saying that God

Re: How to pick a prophet? Re: Arson

2005-01-28 Thread Iskandar Hai
Gilberto (not dear Gilberto): If by moral relativism you mean the kind of mentality and attitude that anything goes and everything is OK, then Baha'is are definitely not moral relativists. As I said, just read Shoghi Effendi's Advent of Divine Justice for example. The relativism that we Baha'is

Re: How to pick a prophet? Re: Arson

2005-01-28 Thread Iskandar Hai
See below.. Quoting Gilberto Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]: On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:31:43 -0500, Iskandar Hai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Gilberto (not dear Gilberto): If by moral relativism you mean the kind of mentality and attitude that anything goes and everything is OK, then Baha'is

Re: How to pick a prophet? Re: Arson

2005-01-25 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
I'm saying that when a 53-year old male marries a 20-30 year old female, he has married a young woman, and when he marries a female who is barely 18 he then has married a teenager. When a 53-year old male marries a female who has just barely tuned 9 lunar years, it is not accurate to say that he

Re: Sacred Mythology and Historical Fact

2004-04-06 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Christian E. Gruber wrote: Something can be both sacred mythology and factually true. Myth may - Reminds me of this: All the stories in the Bible are true and some of them actually happened Loving regards, Iskandar

Re: Letters of the Living

2004-04-05 Thread Iskandar Hai, M.D.
On Sun, 4 Apr 2004, David Friedman wrote: about their tablets? It's a pity the Bab didn't address them by name! David Security reasons, dear David, security reasons. Babis could very easily be killed when/if identified by name. Also, perhaps the Bab addressed more than one

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