An interesting parallel between being unswayed by the insinuations of the 
rebellious, and being unmoved by slander; and the image of the Temple in both 


We, verily, have ordained this Temple to be the source of all existence in the 
new creation, that all may know of a certainty My power to accomplish that 
which I have purposed through My word "Be", and it is! Beneath the shadow of 
every letter of this Temple We shall raise up a people whose number none can 
reckon save God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Erelong shall God 
bring forth from His Temple such souls as will remain unswayed by the 
insinuations of the rebellious, and who will quaff at all times of the cup that 
is life indeed. These, truly, are of the blissful.
 (Baha'u'llah, The Summons of the Lord of Hosts, p. 8)

ALL-PRAISE TO HIM Who, by the Shield of His Covenant, hath guarded the Temple 
of His Cause from the darts of doubtfulness, Who by the Hosts of His Testament 
hath preserved the Sanctuary of His most Beneficent Law and protected His 
Straight and Luminous Path, staying thereby the onslaught of the company of 
Covenant-breakers, that have threatened to subvert His Divine Edifice; Who hath 
watched over His Mighty Stronghold and All-Glorious Faith, through the aid of 
men whom the slander of the slanderer affect not, whom no earthly calling, 
glory and power can turn aside from the Covenant of God and His Testament, 
established firmly by His clear and manifest words, writ and revealed by His 
All-Glorious Pen and recorded in the Preserved Tablet.
 (Abdu'l-Baha, The Will and Testament, p. 3)

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