Gilberto wrote:
I've read some descriptions of this which argue that "Jesse" is
actually a contraction for "Ishmael" and that in fact this is a
reference to Muhammad (saaws). Reading the whole thing it might also
conceivably be a reference to the messiah or to events which haven't
happened yet.

Dear Gilberto: Approximately 100 years ago there is some indicaton that the English version of the Old Testament rendered Jesse for Ishmael. However I cannot render the Hebrew contractions in transliteration. It is thought to be rendered Abishai or in other MSS as BAQL. Jesse, however rendered, was the son of Obed and the father of David. The Torah references to Muhammad are found at Deut: 18: 15 and 18. In truth however all references to the raising up of a Prophet refer only to One.

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
(Revelation 11:3-4)

In the Bahai writings aren't these supposed to refer to Muhammad (saaws) and Ali (ra)?

The issue has been discussed extensively on this list and on another list I believe. The conclusion was that "Then after three days and a half, which by the terminology of the Holy Books is twelve hundred and sixty years, these divine teachings, heavenly virtues, perfections and spiritual bounties were again renewed by the appearance of the Báb and the devotion of Jinab-i-Quddus."

(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 54)

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