hmmm. i know what u said...not what u mean.
i have a sebnse of what u reported, not what u mean.
i have beenb engaged in a 4 year ongoing discussion with a number of people
who will not understand that the suffix "_ity"
has a value, means something sepcific, concretly affectsthe noun or adjest
Hi Tim,
Words have no meaning unless we understand them. In
my case, words in a language that I don't understand have no meaning for me, but
people as a generic term have meaning.
Best wishes
- Original Message -
Tim Nolan
To: Baha'i Studies
Sent: Monday,
> >"words have no meaning, people have meanings."
> I would appreciate it very much if someone could explain what
> this means.
Dear Tim,
I can tell you what I meant by that. ;-}
Words in and of themselves have no instinsic meaningm they are just
sounds. But those that use them in
Depends upon the meaning of "meaning." Living creatures can be more
significant or meaningful than inanimate words. The statement below,
without any context, is so vague it is meaningless. Marleen
Tim Nolan wrote:
Dear Friends.
>"words have no meaning, people have meanings."
I would ap