The Baha'i Studies Listserv
In our continual effort to inform of the situation of the Baha’i community
in Iran, earlier today *Iran Press Watch* published several important

1. A translation of Dr. Soheila Vahdati’s recent article in *Iran Emrooz*,
in which she courageously supported the human and civil rights of the Baha’i
community of Iran;

2. An update on the situation of the Baha’i community of Iran based on
today’s postings by BWNS;

3. A Press Release from a recent youth conference in New Zealand in which
the participants addressed their concerns to the government of Iran;

4. Several more postings.

Iran Press Watch:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Iran Press Watch <>
Date: Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Iran Press Watch: The Baha'i Community

   Iran Press Watch: The Baha'i Community <>

   - Update on the Baha’is of
   - Iranian Tells of Abuse of
   - Paranoia, Utopianism, and Baha’i Persecution in

  Update on the Baha’is of

Posted: 23 Jul 2009 05:21 PM PDT

The Persian page of *Baha’i World News Service* (BWNS) has provided several
updates on Wednesday, July 23, 2009, which appear below in translation by *Iran
Press Watch*.

[image: Haleh and her parents]Shiraz: Temporary leave of two Baha’i youth
prisoners <>

Haleh Rouhi and Raha Sabet, two Baha’i youth who have been incarcerated
since October 2007 on the charge of indirect teaching of the Baha’i Faith
under a pretext of social projects, were given a temporary leave from prison
on July 14, 2009.  This leave is for one week to 10 days.

Qa’emshahr: Simin Gorji summoned for interrogation

On July 7, 2009, two agents of the Ministry of Intelligence went to the home
of Mrs. Simin Gorji in Qa’emshahr carrying a letter from the country’s
Attorney General, asking her to present herself the following day at the
office of the same Ministry in Sari.  The following day, Mrs. Gorji went to
the office, where she was interrogated.

Our previous report regard her trial going to court on July 8, 2009, was

Bushehr:   New updates on Baha’is who have been arrested

Further to our previous reports regarding Miss Aliyih Jaberi, a resident of
Bushehr, we have learned that on July 12, 2009, she was summoned to the
Ministry of Intelligence and interrogated for the entire day.  Even though
at night she was permitted to return to her residence, the interrogation
continued on July 13 and 14, and consumed those entire days as well.

Previously, we had reported in error that Miss Jaberi was arrested on July 9
along with her father and brother, Asadollah and Amad Jaberi, [see]

Tonekabon: Badi’u'llah Abu’l-Fazli completed his prison sentence

Mr. Badi’u’llah Abu’l-Fazli (or Fazli), a residence of Tonekabon, in the
province of Mazandaran, had been serving a prison sentence since March 2,
2009, and was released from incarceration after completing his term.  We do
not know the exact date of his release.  Mr. Abu’l-Fazli was imprisoned on
the charge of “active membership in the Baha’i community”, “propagation of
the Baha’i faith and activities against the Islamic Republic”, “secretly
teaching Muslims through sharing books or other Baha’i materials”.

Mr. Abu’l-Fazli was a shopkeeper; in July 2008 he was arrested at work by an
agent of the Ministry of Intelligence on unfounded work-related charges.  He
was taken to the prison facility of Sari, where he was kept for 29 days in
solidarity confinement.  During the course of his incarceration, he was
interrogated 8 times and subjected to verbal abuse and ridicule.

Karaj:  Special form for Baha’i applicants

It is reported that the Passport Office in Karaj (in the province of Tehran)
has asked Baha’i applicants to complete a special form, which has written at
the top, “Biography of a member of the wayward Baha’i sect”.  In this form,
applicants are asked to fill in such information as their name, occupation,
education, address and phone number.  In the same form, a section is devoted
to the primary and secondary relatives of the applicant, which include the
same type of information in addition to the birth certificate number and
birth date.

Iranian Tells of Abuse of

Posted: 23 Jul 2009 12:42 PM PDT

[image: Anisa Memari]By Nicola Brennan

Persecuted for her religious beliefs, Anisa Memari left Iran to study in

The 26-year-old Sydney University law and medicine student is now mounting a
campaign to raise awareness of the human rights abuses in Iran.

Speaking while on holiday in Raglan, Miss Memari told the Waikato Times she
was expelled from school because of her Baha’i faith.

Baha’i is the largest non-Islamic religion in Iran with more than 300,000
believers. About 4000 Baha’is live in New Zealand.

In Iran, Baha’is are “unprotected infidels” and are not protected under the
country’s Islamic constitution.

“I remember when my teachers told me, ‘If you were a Muslim, you could go to
university because your grades are very high. However, because you are a
Baha’i you cannot’,” Miss Memari said.

Read the article at:  Waikato Times

View an image at:  [image: Anisa_Memari]

Paranoia, Utopianism, and Baha’i Persecution in

Posted: 23 Jul 2009 09:35 AM PDT

By Robert Christian
Earlier this week, Iran’s leaders canceled a trial set for the leadership of
Iran’s Baha’i community, the Yaran.  The seven Baha’i leaders, who had been
scheduled for a show trial on charges that could have landed each the death
penalty, remain detained without proper legal representation or any regard
for their health or basic civil liberties.  Iran’s perpetual abuse of its
Baha’i community illuminates many aspects of the current Iranian regime: its
cruelty, its capriciousness, its ignorance, its hatred, its paranoia, its
insecurity, its delusions of grandeur, and countless other deformities.
Above all else, it reveals the true nature of the regime’s dangerous and
depraved ideology.

The current Iranian regime is driven by a revolutionary mentality and guided
by Shi’a fundamentalism.  These two elements, revolutionism and
fundamentalism, fuse together to determine how and why the regime acts as it
does.  They motivate and shape the nature of tyranny in Iran.  The
unrelenting mistreatment of members of the Baha’i faith clearly reveals both
elements and their interaction.

Read this article at: Asia
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Ahang Rabbani, PhD

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