[balita-anda] Re: tanya dong....

2006-06-20 Terurut Topik Chasia & Rais' Mom
udah dicoba dibersihkan saat Nico diajak main, ngobrol sambil tertawa, nah khan mulutnya terbuka tuch. Coba pelan-pelan dibersihkan, pakai sikat jari. Lidah anakku (nico, 5 bln 3 minggu) putih2 padahal kalo abis mimi susu suka dikasih air putih tp tetep ga ilang, trus aku coba pake sikat utk li

[balita-anda] Success with Babysitters: Finding, Choosing, Supporting

2006-06-14 Terurut Topik Chasia & Rais' Mom
Success with Babysitters: Finding, Choosing, Supporting With all the time parents spend at work, with our children, and managing everyday home life, there's not much time left for us. Even when the children are snuggly tucked in bed and the house falls quiet, we find ourselves checking email o

[balita-anda] Re: air zamzam

2006-06-08 Terurut Topik Chasia & Rais' Mom
Dear All, Me berkali-kali terima email tentang true power of water. Tentang penemuan yang di klim ilmiah oleh Masaru Emoto. Tertariklah daku mencari lebih dalam siapa sich orang tersebut dan ternyata yang diklim ilmiah oleh beliau itu tidak "benar" alias "Pseudoscience" Silahkan dibaca di ht

[balita-anda] Buat yang ingin liburan

2006-06-08 Terurut Topik Chasia & Rais' Mom
Vacation Plus? On the Road with Children Unless we enjoy the benefit of living in a walking city or have access to quality mass transit, most of us spend a great deal of time in our cars - commuting, running errands, and transporting our children. A chauffer may be on the wish list of many bus

[balita-anda] tanya sekolah di bandung

2006-06-08 Terurut Topik Chasia & Rais' Mom
Dear parents, Adakah yang mengetahui sekolah di Bandung yang bahasa pengantarnya inggris untuk TK/SD Terimakasih, chasia n rais's mom Parenting, stories, crafts, science and more http://betterkidz.com -- Kirim bunga, h