Dear parents,

As a parent, you want to do all you can to keep your baby healthy and happy. So when your baby becomes poorly for the first time, it's good to know what you can do to help them feel better again.

What is a fever?

Fevers are very common in babies, especially during their first 6 months. But don't worry, your baby's raised temperature is their body's natural way of fighting off an infection. Babies can be naturally warmer than adults but if their temperature is over 38°C or 100.4°F, it's officially a fever.

Top tips for fighting their first fever

The first thing you need to do is to check your baby's temperature — ear thermometers are a reliable, baby-friendly way to take their temperature. If they do have a fever, there are various ways you can help bring their temperature down:
  • Take off a layer of their clothing.
  • Give your baby cooled, boiled water to stop them becoming dehydrated.
  • Keep their room at a comfortable temperature.

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