FYI, siapa tahu ada yg lagi pakai.


The New York Times
October 1, 2004
A Widely Used Arthritis Drug Is Withdrawn

The drug company Merck announced yesterday that it would
stop selling its arthritis and pain medication Vioxx,
currently taken by close to two million people worldwide,
because a new study found that it doubled patients' risk of
heart attack and strokes.

Vioxx has been a blockbuster for Merck, with sales of $2.5
billion last year, and has been widely marketed as a safe
alternative to drugs like aspirin, which can cause ulcers
and gastrointestinal bleeding.

The decision to remove the drug from the market, the
largest drug recall in history as measured by sales, comes
as Merck has been struggling to find new drugs for its
aging product line.

Vioxx represented about 11 percent of the company's revenue
last year. Merck stock plunged 27 percent yesterday on the
news, reducing the company's stock market value by $25
billion and helping pull the Dow Jones industrial average
down by 0.6 percent for the day.

The company decided to withdraw the drug from pharmacy
shelves after a study that it had hoped would show that
Vioxx prevented colon polyps, which can sometimes become
cancerous. Merck quickly ended the trial after the results
of the study showed last week that the drug led to heart
attacks and strokes.

The risk was small - 15 cases of heart attack, stroke or
blood clots per thousand people over three years compared
with 7.5 such events per thousand patients taking a placebo.
But the data were so unambiguous that Merck told federal
regulators this week that it had halted the trial and would
take the drug off the market; it announced that decision

"What we found in this study is that beginning after 18
months, there was a discernible and unexpected increase in
cardiovascular disease rates," Dr. Peter S. Kim, president
of Merck Research Labs, said in an interview yesterday.

There had been hints before that the drug might increase
the risk of heart attacks and strokes, but the studies were
not definitive and the company said it had not been
convinced that the risk was real, although it did revise
the drug's label two years ago to include that possibility.

This time was different.

"What we saw was stunning," Dr. Kim said. "We certainly don'
t understand the cause of this effect, but it is
statistically significant and it indicated that there is an

Dr. Kim said the decision came on Monday, after a series of
urgent teleconferences with medical experts over the
weekend. On Tuesday, company officials went to the Food and
Drug Administration and said it was withdrawing the drug.
The decision was the company's alone, and there was no
pressure from the F.D.A., which said it was surprised by
Merck's move but agreed with it.

"We think Merck did the right thing,'' said Dr. Steven K.
Galson, the acting director of the F.D.A.'s Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research.

Not everyone who takes Vioxx does so for 18 months or
longer. Or even daily. Some arthritis patients take it only
during flare-ups. And other people might take it only for
several months, after a sports injury, for example. Medical
experts say that it is safe for patients to abruptly stop
taking Vioxx, adding that there are many alternatives to
the drug, including cheap over-the-counter drugs. One of
those, aspirin, is much cheaper than Vioxx, which has sold
for $2.50 or more a pill. Vioxx provides about the same
pain relief as aspirin, although studies showed that
patients taking Vioxx were less likely to develop ulcers or
gastrointestinal bleeding.

There are also two prescription drugs, Celebrex and Bextra,
both made by Pfizer, which are similar to Vioxx but have
not been shown to pose cardiovascular risks. That, and
Pfizer's extensive advertising, may help explain why sales
of Celebrex have lately been twice those for Vioxx. The F.D.
A. says, however, that studies of Celebrex and Bextra have
lasted only a year, and the Vioxx study found risks only
after people had taken it for 18 months.

Asked in a telephone news conference if the agency will
start requiring longer-term studies for drugs of this class,
Dr. Galson said no decision had been reached.

"It's too early to say right now, but obviously we will be
more interested in long-term data," he replied.

Dr. Kim of Merck said he first learned of the new data on
heart attacks and strokes on Thursday evening last week,
when he got a call from an independent committee of
scientists who were monitoring the colon polyp study. "They
recommended we stop the study," he said.

"On Friday, I looked at the data with my team," Dr. Kim
said. "The first thing you do is review the data. We did
that. Second is you double-check the data, go through it
and make sure that everything is O.K." At that point, he
said, "I knew that barring some big mistake in the analysis,
we had an issue here."

"Around noon, I called Ray Gilmartin and told him what was
up," Dr. Kim continued, referring to Merck's chief
executive. "He said, 'Figure out what was the best thing
for patient safety.' We then spent Friday and the rest of
the weekend going over the data and analyzing it in
different ways and calling up medical experts to set up
meetings where we would discuss the data and their
interpretations and what to do."

On Sunday night and Monday morning, Dr. Kim and his team
spoke to researchers doing studies and to medical experts
in rheumatology, cardiology and gastroenterology.

Some, he said, told him to take the drug off the market
right away. Others could not decide what recommendation to
make. Rheumatologists, however, told him that there were
patients who needed the drug.

By late Monday morning, Dr. Kim had made his decision. "We
were going to withdraw," he said.

He told Mr. Gilmartin and got his agreement. On Tuesday,
Merck notified its board and that afternoon the company
told the F.D.A. On Wednesday, the company began notifying
regulatory agencies in other countries. Yesterday morning,
Merck made its public announcement.

Although Mr. Kim said he was stunned by the data, others
were less surprised.

The possibility that Vioxx might increase the risk of heart
attacks first emerged three years ago, in a Merck study of
7,000 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The company was
asking whether those taking a high dose of Vioxx, 50
milligrams a day, had fewer gastrointestinal side effects
than those who were randomly assigned to take naproxen.

The results showed that the Vioxx patients had half the
incidence of gastrointestinal complaints, but it also
indicated that they had five times the number of heart
attacks - five per thousand patients as compared to one per
thousand with naproxen.

The question was why. It could be, as some cardiologists
argued, that Vioxx caused heart attacks. Or it could be, as
Merck argued, that Vioxx was neutral, while naproxen
actually reduced the likelihood of a heart attack.

In April 2002, at the request of the Food and Drug
Administration, Merck added the study's finding about heart
attack risk to the drug's label.

Several other studies followed. One looked at a million
Medicaid patients; another at 1.4 million patients enrolled
in Kaiser Permanente's health care plans; another at more
than 50,000 Medicare patients. Each found more heart
attacks and strokes with Vioxx, but medical experts
differed over how to interpret the data.

Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic,
writing in medical journals, argued vehemently that Vioxx
and others in its class were not worth taking. He said they
had "marginal efficiency, heightened risk, and excessive
cost" compared with drugs like aspirin.

Dr. Daniel Solomon, a rheumatologist and epidemiologist at
Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, said yesterday that
he was convinced enough by the data that he stopped
prescribing Vioxx two years ago.

Dr. Solomon scoffed at Merck's assertion that the new data
were unexpected. "I was like, 'Please. Really,' " Dr.
Solomon said.

But others, including Dr. Michael Lockshin, an arthritis
specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York,
were less certain. Dr. Lockshin said that, until now, "the
data were quite minor" to indicate that Vioxx was causing a
problem. The original study's findings had an alternative
explanation, he said, and the other studies were
complicated by the fact that they lacked enough rigor to
make the case.

The new data, however, convinced him. Even if Merck had not
withdrawn the drug, he would no longer prescribe it, Dr.
Lockshin said.

"Although the numbers are not huge in terms of risk, these
are the things that I, looking at it as a practitioner,
couldn't say, 'Oh, well. This drug is as safe as another.' "

He added, however, that some of his patients might have
difficulty finding an alternative to Vioxx. Pain relief, he
said, is idiosyncratic and unpredictable. "Some patients
respond beautifully to one drug and not to another."

And some patients are simply reluctant to give up a drug
that worked for them.

Dr. Jerry Lynn, a retired dentist who lives in Manhattan,
said Vioxx was the only drug he had ever taken for his
arthritic knee. "It made a big difference," he said
yesterday. He still has a large supply, he said, adding, "I'
ll just use them until I use them up."

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