Ini aku nemu  di fileku ada beberapa artikel n tanya
jawab dr web sehat ttg flu Singapore or yg sering
disebut HMFD dari

Tanda2nya ni penyakit ada sariawan..trus mlenting2 di
kaki,tangan, dll..kadang anak demam tinggi juga…

Uci mamaKavin+Ija

Moga2 bisa bermanfaat yah..
Hand, Foot & Mouth disease
This is a common childhood illness that is caused by
the coxsackie virus A16 and is most commonly seen in
the late summer and early fall. This virus can cause
painful blisters to form on your child's hands, on the
soles of his feet, on his buttocks. Blisters or ulcers
that are surrounded by red halos can also form in the
back of his mouth and on his tongue. These blisters
are filled with a clear fluid that contain the
coxsackie virus and are very contagious. Symptoms
usually develop about three to six days after being
exposed to someone else with the illness and last for
five to ten days. Other symptoms can include low grade
fever, decreased activity and a decreased appetite and
usually preceded the formation of the ulcers. 

It is also possible to have an infection with the
coxsackie virus that only causes the ulcers to form in
the mouth and not on the hand or feet. This infection
is called herpangina.

Like most other viruses, there is no treatment for
this infection and your child will get over it on his
own. The only treatments are aimed at making your
child more comfortable, and can include pain
relievers, plenty of fluids, and a mixture of one-half
Maalox and one-half Benadryl that can coat the
blisters and make them less painful. This mixture is
best used as a mouth rinse, but you can also apply it
to blisters with a cotton-tipped applicator. Be
careful not to exceed the recommended dose of Benadryl
if your child is swallowing the mixture.

Your child with hand, foot and mouth disease is
contagious while he has blisters during the first week
of the illness. 

While most children only get this illness once, it is
possible to get it more than once from a different
coxsackie virus.

To prevent your child from getting infected with the
Coxsackie virus, some steps you can take include:

*       regular handwashing (especially after diaper
*       disinfecting contaminated surfaces, such as toys,
etc, by household cleaners 
*       washing soiled articles of clothing

Hand,foot & mouth disease 
Question : Dear Dokter and SP,Saya member lumayan
baru, ibu satu puta usia 29 bln. Saya punya
pertanyaan;Kemarin di sekolah putra saya Nabiel, kami
diberi newsletter soal Hand, Footand Mouth Disesase
(HFMD) ini. Katanya minggu lalu ada salah satu murid
yangterinfeksi HFMD setelah pulang dari LN, dan
kedapatan sakit saat di sekolah.Setelah dicek ke
dokter, to be precise the child was diagnosed with
HFMD.Langsung aja sekolah mengeluarkan edaran buat
para parents soal HFMD ini.Saya mau tanya dok,.kira2
apa precaution untuk pernyakit ini?..gejalanya apaya
dok dan apa faktor yang paling risky untuk terinfeksi
HFMD?..Saya takut putra saya terinfeksi di sekolah
walau sekolah udah bilang merekasangat menjaga soal
kebersihan kelas, toilet dan playing area, toys
danfurniture. Tetep aja kami parents yang disekolah
tsb agak waswas. Thank'sbuat tanggapan dan
Dewi Irawan - Bunda Nabiel

Answer 1 : Mbak Dewi,Saya coba re-post email2
terdahulu ttg HFMD yg pernah dibahas di milis ini.Utk
referensi detail ttg HFMD bisa dibrowsing di atau 
* Dear Dr. Wati and Smart Moms....Dr. Wati aku mau
tanya, di tempat tinggalku baru saja mewabah
penyakitkuku dan mulut, dengan gejala sariawan penuh
di mulut sertabintik-bintik merah seperti melepuh di
tangan dan kaki. Yang aku heran,bukankah penyakit kuku
dan mulut itu biasanya menyerang sapi ? nah inikok
bisa sampai menyerang manusia ? apa pencetusnya ? dan
bagaimanapenularannya ? dan selanjutnya bagaimana
pencegahannya ? karena ditempatku sudah ada kurang
lebih 5 orang balita yang mengalami gejala sepertiitu,
bahkan yang terkahir sampai harus dirawat di rumah
sakit karenadehidrasi, tidak ada makanan bahkan
minuman yang mampu masuk kemulutnya. 
Mama Aya
* Dr Wati comment :Diana yg menyerang sapi itu bukan
HFMD yang dimaksudIni penyakit pada anak2 97% mild kok
hanya seriawan mulut.artinya, angka fatalitasnya
rendah dan sebagaimana penyakit virus lainnya, akan
sembuh sendiriyg penting minumnya diseringin kasih es
batu, es krim, pasti anaknya mau minumkarena yg
dingin2 mengurangi rasa sakit seriawannya. watiSemoga

Answer 2 : Mba Dewi saya hanya ingin sampaikan artikel
HFMD yang dulu pernah diposting di
: .
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease
What is hand, foot, and mouth disease?
Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common
illness of infants andchildren. It is characterized by
fever, sores in the mouth, and a rashwith blisters.
HFMD begins with a mild fever, poor appetite,
malaise("feeling sick"), and frequently a sore throat.
One or 2 days after thefever begins, sores develop in
the mouth. They begin as small red spotsthat blister
and then often become ulcers. They are usually located
onthe tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. The skin
rash develops over 1to 2 days with flat or raised red
spots, some with blisters. The rashdoes not itch, and
it is usually located on the palms of the hands
andsoles of the feet. It may also appear on the
buttocks. A person with HFMDmay have only the rash or
the mouth ulcers.
Is HFMD the same as foot-and-mouth disease?
No. HFMD is a different disease than foot-and-mouth
disease of cattle,sheep, and swine. Although the names
are similar, the two diseases arenot related at all
and are caused by different viruses.
What causes HFMD?
Several different viruses cause HFMD. The most common
cause iscoxsackievirus A16; sometimes, enterovirus 71
or other strains ofenteroviruses cause HFMD. The
enterovirus group includes
polioviruses,coxsackieviruses, and echoviruses.
Is HFMD serious?
Usually not. HFMD caused by coxsackievirus A16
infection is a milddisease and nearly all patients
recover without medical treatment in 7 to10 days.
There are no common complications. Rarely, this
illness may beassociated with "aseptic" or viral
meningitis, in which the person hasfever, headache,
stiff neck, or back pain, and may need to be
hospitalizedfor a few days. Another cause of HFMD,
EV71 may also cause viralmeningitis and, rarely, more
serious diseases, such as encephalitis, or
apoliomyelitis-like paralysis. EV71 encephalitis may
be fatal. Cases offatal encephalitis occurred during
outbreaks of HFMD in Malaysia in 1997and in Taiwan,
Is it contagious?
Yes, HFMD is moderately contagious. Infection is
spread from person toperson by direct contact with
nose and throat discharges or the stool ofinfected
persons. A person is most contagious during the first
week of theillness. HFMD is nottransmitted to or from
pets or other animals.How soon will someone become ill
after getting infected?The usual period from infection
to onset of symptoms is 3 to 7 days. Fever is often
the first symptom of HFMD.
Who is at risk for HFMD?
HFMD occurs mainly in children under 10 years old, but
adults may also beat risk. Everyone is susceptible to
infection. Infection results inimmunity to the
specific virus, but a second episode may occur
followinginfection with a different member of the
enterovirus group.
When and where does HFMD occur?
Individual cases and outbreaks of HFMD occur
worldwide, more frequently insummer and early autumn.
In the recent past, major outbreaks of
HFMDattributable to enterovirus 71 have been reported
in some South East Asiancountries (Malaysia in 1997,
Taiwan, 1998).
How is HFMD diagnosed?
HFMD is one of many infections that result in mouth
sores. Another commoncause is oral herpesvirus
infection, which produces an inflammation of themouth
and gums (sometimes called stomatitis). Usually, the
physician candistinguish between HFMD and other causes
of mouth sores based on the ageof the patient, the
pattern of symptoms reported by the patient or
parent,and the appearance of the rash and sores on
examination. A throat swab orstool specimen may be
sent to a laboratory to determine which
enteroviruscaused the illness. Since the testing often
takes 2 to 4 weeks to obtaina final answer, the
physician usually does not order these tests.
How is HFMD treated? Can it be prevented?
No specific treatment is available for this or other
enterovirusinfections. Symptomatic treatment is given
to provide relief from fever,aches, or pain from the
mouth ulcers. Preventive measures includefrequent
handwashing, especially after diaper changes;
disinfection ofcontaminated surfaces by household
cleaners (such as diluted bleachsolution made by
mixing 1 capful of household bleach containing
chlorinewith 1 gallon water), and washing soiled
articles of clothing. Childrenare often excluded from
child care programs, schools, or other groupsettings
during the first few days of the illness. These
measures mayreduce the spread of infection, but they
will not completely interrupt it.For further
information, please contact the Respiratory and
EntericViruses Branch, National Center for Infectious
Diseases, at 404-639-3607(telephone) or 404-639-4960
Useful Information on Hand, Food Mouth Disease
The purpose of this brochure is to provide helpful
tips on how to care foryour child or children with
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFM). Weunderstand that
you are very worried and concerned, and we would like
toshare some useful tips on how to care for your child
at home. This way,we can prevent complications like
dehydration from refusing to drinkfluids.
Incubation period and expected course of HFM
The incubation period after contact varies from 2 to 6
days, and yourchild's fever and mouth discomfort are
usually gone by Day 3 or 4. Themouth ulcers resolve by
Day 5 to Day 7 of the illness, but the small
waterblisters or red spots on the hands, feet (and
occasionally the buttocksand limbs) can last up to 10
days. Sometimes, your child may complain ofpain over
the blisters or spots located on the palms and soles.
Yourchild's fever be as high as 39oC.
How to care for your child at home
If your child's mouth ulcers are painful, you will
notice drooling andfeeding difficulties. You can give
your child syrup Panadol (the actualdrug name is
"acetaminophen") to relieve the severe mouth pain as
well asthe fever. We suggest that you serve the syrup
Panadol 30 minutes beforeeach main meal (breakfast,
lunch, dinner). It is safe to serve panadol onan empty
stomach. Remember to serve Panadol only at 4 or 6 or 8
hourlyintervals. If your child is allergic to Panadol,
please inform your
paediatrician immediately.
Please seek your paediatrician's advise if you intend
to serve other drugslike Voltaren or Voren
(diclofenac) suppositories or oral ibuprofen
syrup.These prescription drugs are stronger than
Panadol and may not be suitablefor some children.If
you are self-medicating or giving your child cough
mixtures or oralantihistamines, please inform your
paediatrician. Some children are sleepyafter drinking
cough mixtures and antihistamines, and this may
causedrowsiness. We suggest that you stop serving
cough mixtures as your drowsychild will drink less
fluid and this may lead to dehydration. Drowsinessin
your child may be an early sign of brain infection as
well.Encourage plenty of clear fluids and change to a
soft diet. Youngerchildren with painful mouth ulcers
find it difficult to suck on bottleteats - we suggest
that you spoon-feed your younger child. Some
childrenlike to drink from straws or cup. You can
serve infants and young childrenhome-made porridge
water, barley water or chrysanthenum tea.
Anotheralternative is half-strength flat lemon-lime
soda like 'Sprite' or '7up',served at room temperature
for children above one year of age. Do notserve
'Sprite' or '7up' to infants below one year of age!
Remember to stirthe soda until the fizz is gone
because the bubbles can bloat up yourchild's tummy,
then add clean drinking water to dilute the Sprite or
7up.Avoid giving your child sour, salty or spicy foods
and avoid foods thatneed much chewing. Soft jellies,
melted ice cream and mashed potatoes canbe offered to
"fussy eaters" in addition to the usual diet of
porridge orbread.Encourage your child to drink more
fluids so that they will "pee" at leastevery 3 to 5
hourly. We suggest that you wake up your sick child at
2 or 3am in the early morning to measure his or her
temperature, serve thepanadol if necessary and
encourage your child to drink water or fluidsbefore he
or she returns to sleep. It is important to prevent
dehydrationin your child.
How to apply mouth gels : Use a clean piece of gauze
or clean cotton towelto dab the mouth ulcers, before
applying the mouth gel. If you do notgently wipe away
the saliva, the gel will not stick to the ulcer! The
besttime is to apply the mouth gels before meals and
before bedtime. You canpurchase Medigel or Bonjela
from most pharmacies without a prescription.Do not
share the mouth gel with other children.Wash your
hands thoroughly with soap or disinfectant after you
have wipedyour child's bottom. The virus is present in
stools and all body fluids.Do not allow your child to
share towels, toothbrushes, cups or bottleswith family
members, and remind your child to wash his or her
hands. Afterthe blisters and ulcers have disappeared,
do not let your childparticipate in active sports for
two to three weeks after the HFM illness.Please
contact your paediatrician or return to the hospital
if:If your child has not urinated or 'pee' for more
than 8 hoursYour child starts to act very sick ( looks
dull, drowsy, pale or mottled,restless or irritable
and unable to get into sleep, or develops
The fever lasts more than 3 days
The mouth pain becomes severe
Your child develops weakness in any limb or throws a
Semoga membantu,
Efi_Andra's mom
information is provided by the Paediatricians
ofChildren's Medical Centre, Department of
Paediatrics, NUS (National University of Singapore)
Hospital. The purpose of this brochure is to provide
helpful Tips on how to care for your child or children
with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFM). We understand
that you are very worried and concerned,and we would
like to share some useful tips on how to care for your
child at home. This way, we can prevent complications
like dehydration from refusing to drink fluids. 
1. Incubation period and expected course of HFM 
The incubation period after contact varies from 2 to 6
days, and yourchild's fever and mouth discomfort are
usually gone by Day 3 or 4. The mouth ulcers resolve
by Day 5 to Day 7 of the illness, but the small water
blisters or red spots on the hands, feet (and
occasionally the buttocks and limbs)can last up to 10
days. Sometimes, your child may complain of pain
overthe blisters or spots located on the palms and
soles. Your child's fever beas high as 39oC. 
2. How to care for your child at home: 
a) If your child's mouth ulcers are painful, you will
notice drooling and feeding difficulties. You can give
your child syrup Panadol (the actual drug name is
"acetaminophen") to relieve the severe mouth pain as
well as the fever. We suggest that you serve the syrup
Panadol 30 minutes before each main meal (breakfast,
lunch, dinner). It is safe to serve panadol on an
empty stomach. Remember to serve Panadol only at 4 or
6 or 8 hourly intervals. If your child is allergic to
Panadol,please inform your paediatrician immediately.
Please seek your paediatrician's advice if you intend
to serve other drugs like Voltaren or Voren
(diclofenac) suppositories or oral ibuprofen syrup.
These prescription drugs are stronger than Panadol and
may not be suitable for some children. 
b) If you are self-medicating or giving your child
cough mixtures or oral antihistamines, please inform
your paediatrician.Some children are sleepy after
drinking cough mixtures and antihistamines, and this
may cause drowsiness. We suggest that you stop serving
cough mixtures as your drowsy child will drink less
fluid and this may lead to dehydration. Drowsiness in
your child may be an early sign of brain infection as
c) Encourage plenty of clear fluids and change to a
soft diet. Younger children with painful mouth ulcers
find it difficult to suck on bottle teats - we suggest
that you spoon-feed your younger child. Some children
like to drink from straws or cup. You can serve
infants and young children home-made porridge
water,barley water or chrysanthenum tea. Another
alternative ishalf-strength flat lemon-lime soda like
'Sprite' or '7up', served at roomtemperature for
children above one year of age. Do not serve 'Sprite'
or '7up' to infants below one year of age! Remember to
stir the soda until the fizz is gone because the
bubbles can bloat up your child's tummy, then add
clean drinking water to dilute the Sprite or 7up.
Avoid giving your child sour, salty or spicy foods and
avoid foods that need much chewing. Soft jellies,
melted ice cream and mashed potatoes can be offered to
"fussy eaters" in addition to the usual diet of
porridge or bread. 
d) Encourage your child to drink more fluids so that
they will "pee" at least every 3 to 5 hourly. We
suggest that you wake up your sick child at 2 or 3 am
in the early morning to measure his or her
temperature, serve the panadol if necessary and
encourage your child to drink water or fluids before
he or she returns to sleep. It is important to prevent
dehydration in your child. 
e) How to apply mouth gels : Use a clean piece of
gauze or clean cotton towel to dab the mouth ulcers,
before applying the mouth gel. If you do not gently
wipe away the saliva, the gel will not stick to the
ulcer! The best time is to apply the mouth gels before
meals and before bedtime. You can purchase Medigel or
Bonjela from most pharmacies without a prescription.
Do not share the mouth gel with other children. 
f) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or
disinfectant after you have wiped your child's bottom.
The virus is present in stools and all body fluids. Do
not allow your child to share towels,toothbrushes,
cups or bottles with family members, and remind your
child to wash his or her hands. After the blisters and
ulcers have disappeared, do not let your child
participate in active sports for two to three weeks
after the HFM illness. 
Please contact your paediatrician or return to the
hospital if: 
1. If your child has not urinated or 'pee' for more
than 8 hours. 
2. Your child starts to act very sick (looks
dull,drowsy, pale or mottled, restless or irritable
and unable to get intosleep, or develops cold
3. The fever lasts more than 3 days. 
4. The mouth pain becomes severe. 
5. Your child develops weakness in any limb orthrows a

  Coxsackie, Virus Penyerang Balita
Jangankan mengunyah makanan, untuk minum pun, mulut
pedih sekali! Ya, itulah salah satu gejala penyakit
mulut, kaki dan tangan (MKT). Repotnya, penyakit ini
amat mudah menular. 
Karena tak terlalu membahayakan, penyakit ini memang
sering terlewatkan begitu saja. Apalagi, gejalanya
juga tak terlalu istimewa. Dan, entah mengapa, jumlah
penderita penyakit ini biasanya meningkat pada musim
Cirinya: bintil-bintil berair 
              Umumnya, anak yang kurang sehat akan
rewel, mogok makan dan minum, serta tubuh agak sumang
(suhu tubuh agak naik). Namun, bila rewelnya berlanjut
dengan bertambah sulitnya si kecil makan plus mulutnya
sakit sampai keluar air liur (untuk menelan air liur
saja perih, apalagi minum), maka Anda perlu ekstra
hati-hati. Bisa jadi, si kecil bukan menderita
sariawan biasa. 
Menurut Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, Sp.A(K),
staf pengajar dari Divisi Infeksi dan Pediatri Tropik,
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, FKUI/RSUPN Cipto
Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, “Coba lihat, apakah ada
bintil-bintil berisi air dalam mulut si kecil dan
sebagian di antaranya mungkin sudah pecah. Kalau ada,
ini adalah salah satu gejala dari penyakit MKT.” 
Memang, bintil-bintil berisi cairan merupakan salah
satu gejala khas dari penyakit MKT atau hand, foot and
mouth disease (HFMD) . Tapi jangan samakan ini dengan
penyakit kuku dan mulut pada binatang ternak. Biar
namanya mirip, tapi penyakit ini sama sekali berbeda
dengan penyakit kuku dan mulut pada sapi misalnya!   
Di Indonesia, kebanyakan virus penyebab penyakit MKT
termasuk enterovirus yang dikenal sebagai virus
coxsackie A16 atau enterovirus 71. Virus coxsackie
adalah sejenis enterovirus yang hidup di usus halus.
“Karena penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus, biasanya
penyakit ini akan sembuh sendiri dalam waktu   5–7
hari,” kata Prof. Sri.    
Sekalipun begitu, ini bukan berarti Anda tak harus
waspada. Sebab, bisa saja virus yang menyebabkan
penyakit ini berbeda serotipe. Menurut National Center
of Infectious Disease , Amerika Serikat, virus
coxsackie yang masih sekeluarga dengan virus polio ini
sangat mudah bermutasi alias berubah bentuk jadi
serotipe yang berbeda. 
Jangan sampai komplikasi 
Sekalipun orang dewasa bisa juga tertular, penyakit
MKT ini lebih sering tampak pada anak-anak di bawah
usia 10 tahun, termasuk pula bayi.   
Masalahnya, jika bintil berair itu ada di mulut si
kecil, bisa dibayangkan betapa perihnya mulut yang
tampaknya seperti sariawan itu. Untuk mengurangi rasa
sakit tersebut, umumnya dokter memberi obat oles
mulut, semacam obat untuk sariawan. Antibiotika tidak
diperlukan, kecuali ada tambahan infeksi bakteri. 
  “Juga, karena mulutnya perih, orang tua sangat
khawatir karena anaknya tidak mau makan dan minum,”
jelas Prof. Sri Rezeki. Makanya, anak yang dirawat
umumnya hanya diberi cairan infus sebagai pengganti
makanan yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Uniknya, si kecil
biasanya tidak kelihatan seperti anak sakit. Tak
heran, kalau selama dalam perawatan, ia bisa
mondar-mandir di kamar sambil membawa infus yang
menempel di lengan. 
Yang pasti, penyakit MKT ini jarang membahayakan
penderitanya, kecuali kalau ada komplikasi. Walau
begitu, kalau anak masih saja demam, mengantuk, lemas
dan tidak bergairah, segeralah bawa ke dokter. Bisa
jadi telah terjadi komplikasi. Kalau dibiarkan
berlarut-larut, dikhawatirkan virus bisa sampai ke
jaringan otak dan menyebabkan ensefalitis (radang
jaringan otak). 
Kalau ini yang terjadi, akibatnya bisa fatal. Inilah
yang dialami oleh murid sekolah dasar di Malaysia
tahun 1997. Dari ratusan murid sekolah yang harus
dirawat di rumah sakit, 26 orang di antaranya
meninggal. Waktu itu, sekolah sampai harus diliburkan
selama seminggu. “Jika penyebab penyakit MKT ringan,
sekolah tak perlu diliburkan kok,” lanjutnya.   
Jaga kebersihan 
              Yang benar-benar perlu diwaspadai
adalah, penyakit ini sangat mudah menular. Proses
penularannya bisa dari cairan yang keluar dari
bintil-bintil di mulut, kaki dan tangan, bisa juga
dari kotoran (tinja) si kecil. “Anak yang terkena MKT
(dengan bintil-bintil di tangan yang baru pecah)
memegang mainan, lalu mainan itu dipegang oleh
temannya. Dari sini, jelaslah bahwa si teman anak
sudah tertular,” ujar Prof. Sri.   
Juga, karena menahan rasa sakit di mulut, anak-anak
yang masih kecil tak jarang meneteskan air liur. Nah,
air liur itu bisa saja menetes pada bajunya. Jika baju
yang basah itu kemudian dipegang oleh orang lain, ya
ikut-ikutan tertular juga.   
Bagaimana penularan via kotoran? Gampang juga. Dari
kotoran yang menempel pada diaper yang tak langsung
dibuang, atau tangan pengasuh yang kurang bersih
dicuci setelah membersihkan kotoran bayi. “Tangan yang
sudah tertempel virus itu berpotensi menularkan
penyakit pada orang lain. Apalagi, bila ia harus pula
menyediakan makanan atau memegang makanan,” ujarnya
lagi. Apa jalan keluarnya? 
Jika bayi Anda terkena MKT, sebaiknya diaper yang
kotor terkena tinja langsung dibuang dan dimusnahkan.
Apalagi, virus yang tersimpan dalam tinja bisa
bertahan lama. Juga, si pengasuh harus lebih
memperhatikan kebersihan tangannya. 
Lalu, jangan dikira jika si kecil yang sudah sembuh
serta bintil berisi cairan di mulut dan tangan sudah
hilang, tidak mungkin menularkan MKT lagi! Sekalipun
sudah lewat 2 minggu, Anda harus tetap waspada. Tinja
si kecil masih bisa menularkan virus itu. 
Boks 1: 
Gejala Bisa Beda 
Masa inkubasi (mulai dari saat terpapar virus sampai
munculnya gejala) penyakit ini sekitar 2-10 hari. Dan,
lama infeksinya tergantung dari masing-masing tipe
virus. Bila demam tidak dibarengi gejala lain,
biasanya infeksi hanya berlangsung sekitar 24 jam.
Namun, ada juga yang berlangsung sampai sekitar 3–4
Gejala awal penyakit MKT biasanya berupa: 
•  Demam. 
•  Hidung berair. 
•  Leher atau tenggorokan sakit. 
•  Timbul bintil-bintil di mulut, kaki dan tangan.   
Meski begitu, tidak semua penyakit MKT ditandai dengan
gejala-gejala ini. Ada penderita yang hanya demam
saja, lalu muncul bintil di kaki dan tangan. Namun,
ada juga yang bintilnya hanya muncul di mulut saja.
Jumlah bintil juga tidak selalu banyak. Bisa hanya 3,
namun bisa juga sampai puluhan.    
Kadang-kadang, bintil juga muncul di bokong bayi.
“Karenanya, jika ruam popok pada bokong si kecil
berisi bintil-bintil berair, coba periksa mulut, kaki
atau tangannya. Kalau ada bintil semacam itu di
mulutnya, mungkin saja ia terkena MKT,” ujar Prof.
Boks 2: 
Cara Merawat   Penderita 
•  Beri obat penurun panas ketika suhu tubuh
•  Beri obat oles pada mulut untuk mengurangi rasa
perih (biasanya diberi oleh dokter). 
•  Beri makanan lunak atau cair untuk memudahkan anak
menelan makanan. 
•  Biarkan anak istirahat di rumah selama 7-10 hari
untuk mempercepat penyembuhan (dan juga menghindarkan
penularan pada anak lainnya).   
•  Jika lebih dari 5 hari panasnya tidak turun-turun
(dan sudah diberi obat penurun panas), segera bawa ke
dokter lagi. 
•    Bila anak tampak lemas, ingin tidur terus, atau
kesadarannya menurun , kemungkinan ia perlu segera
dirawat di rumah sakit. 
•  Kalau anak mengeluh nyeri kepala, tengkuk kaku,
serta nyeri punggung , cepat-cepat bawa ke rumah
sakit. Bisa jadi, ia perlu penanganan yang lebih
Boks 3: 
Bisa Dicegah 
              Sampai sekarang, belum ada vaksin yang
dapat mencegah infeksi akibat virus coxsackie ini.
Meski begitu, penularan penyakit MKT bisa dihindari
dengan cara sebagai berikut: 
•  Sering-sering mencuci tangan, terutama sehabis
kontak dengan penderita.   
•  Jika penderita bersin atau batuk, minta dia menutup
mulut dengan kertas tisu dan langsung dibuang. 
•  Bersihkan mainan yang sering digigit-gigit bayi
secara rutin. Sebaiknya, mainan semacam itu tidak
•  Untuk sementara, pisahkan pemakaian gelas dan
sendok penderita. 
•  Rendam baju penderita dalam cairan desinfektan,
cuci, lalu jemur di panas matahari. 
•  Jaga kebersihan toilet dengan desinfektan setiap
kali penderita habis buang air besar. 

--- Nadia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sekedar info...  ada yang pernah dengar soal "hand,
> foot and mouth disease"
> nggak? Itu penyakit yang biasanya menyerang anak
> kecil, karena virus.
> Penyakit ini menular, biasanya lewat batuk atau
> bersin. Gejalanya timbul
> sariawan di sekitar mulut, dan gatal/rash/blisters
> di telapak tangan dan
> kaki.Tapi umumnya sih penyakit ini tidak berbahaya.
> Cuman krn gejalanya itu
> yang bikin anak ngga nyaman dan jadi ngga mau
> makan....
> -bundanya aydin-
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Diah Tri Susanti
> Date: 03/04/2007 15:58:18
> To:
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Anakku kok jadi susah
> makan
> Mba Hani,
> Kasus nya persis deh sama anakku Dzalika (1th 5bln)
> tadi malam baru
> pulang dari Hermina ternyata benar loh ada sariawan
> di sekitar gusi nya
> dan makannya juga jadi susah, kalo dikasih sayur
> nggak mau tapi
> untungnya dia masih mau makan nasi putih aja +
> ngemil roti tawar kupas.
> Berhubung bicaranya belum jelas lika cuma bisa
> bilang "atit mah..atit
> mah" sambil nunjuk2 ke bibir/giginya gitu.
> Truz semalem dapet obat racikan en dah diminumin
> Alhamdulillah hari ini
> sudah nggak panas lagi tapi belum mau makan banyak
> cuma udah nggak bisa
> diem soalnya baru bisa jalan so, yang ada muteeeerrr
> aja keliling rumah.
> Demikian sharing dari saya mudah2an bermanfaat...
> Lika's Mom
> hani wrote:
> >Dear Moms,
> >
> >Anakku Hadin( 1th 6 bln) kemarin kepalanya agak
> anget, gak taunya sorenya
> meler deh hidungnya , jadi dhe batpilnya, aku kasi
> air kencur dan tetesin
> breathy semalam..
> >
> >Tadi pagi, Pas aku lihat dibalik bibir bawah , ada
> bbrp bercak putih gitu,
> apakah anakku kena sariawan ya?
> >Sekarang makannya agak susah, katanya
> "pedes,pedes..", ups, mungkin dia
> belum tau harus bilang apa, sebentar sebentar
> tangannya masuk mulut, seperti
> merogoh rogoh gitu.
> >Aku kasih apa yah moms, tadi pagi aku kasih bubur
> kacang ijo halus. Dia mau
> sedikit, barusan aku telp ke rumah, mba nya bilang
> makannya sedikit (dia dah
> makan nasi).
> >Sebelumnya dia sempet 3 hari nggak pup, baru hari
> minggu pup, itupun kerass
> banget dan ada darahnya sedikit diujungnya.
> >
> >Moms, please sharingnya
> >aku tunggu
> >terimkasih sebelumnya
> >hani
> >
> >
> >
> __________ NOD32 2164 (20070402) Information
> __________
> This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

Uci mamaKavin+Ija

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