Mbak, karena sudah terkena sinus makanya anak mbak dikasih antibiotik
ama dokternya. Mudah-mudahan si kecil cepat sembuh sinus-nya ya....

Saya cuplikan sedikit artikel mengenai runny nose untuk tambah
pengetahuan buat semua yang anaknya suka meler hidungnya seperti si
kecil Ruth saat ini.


Runny Nose
(with green or yellow mucus)

Your child has a runny nose. This is a normal part of what happens
during the common cold and as it gets better. Here are some facts about
colds and runny noses.

What causes a runny nose during a cold?
When germs that cause colds (cold viruses) first infect the nose and
sinuses, the nose makes clear mucus. This helps wash the germs from the
nose and sinuses. After two or three days, the body's immune cells fight
back, changing the mucus to a white or yellow color. As the bacteria
that live in the nose grow back, they may also be found in the mucus,
which changes the mucus to a greenish color. This is normal and does not
mean your child needs an antibiotic.

What should I do?
? The best treatment is to wait and watch your child. Nasal discharge,
cough, and symptoms like fever, headache, and muscle aches may be
bothersome, but antibiotics will not make them go away any faster.
? Some people find that using a cool mist vaporizer or using saltwater
nose drops makes their child feel better.

Are antibiotics ever needed for a runny nose? Antibiotics are needed
only if your doctor tells you that your child has sinusitis. Your
child's doctor may prescribe drugs or give you tips to help with a
cold's other symptoms like fever and cough, but antibiotics are not
needed to treat the runny nose.

Why not try antibiotics now?
Taking antibiotics when they are not needed can be harmful. Each time
someone takes antibiotics, they are more likely to carry resistant germs
in their noses and throats. These
resistant germs cannot be killed by common antibiotics. Your child may
need more costly antibiotics, or antibiotics given by needle, or may
even need to be in the hospital to get
antibiotics. Since a runny nose almost always gets better on its own, it
is better to wait and take antibiotics only when they are needed.

Taken from

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