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----- Forwarded by MIS OMI_MIS/OMI/OMCP on 03/29/2005 09:25 AM -----

Powerfull Earthquake Rock Aceh and Entire Sumatra
Oleh relief
Tuesday, 29-March-2005, 00:29:59

Jakarta, Indoesia-Relief -- Late night on Monday at 23:09, powerful
earthquake of measuring 8.2 on the Richter scale rocked Aceh and entire
Sumatra. The earthquake epicentrum located between the offshore of Nias
and Simeuleu, two island in the Indian Ocean, west of Aceh.

The earthquake caused major panic and power blackouts in much of the
city. People in Banda Aceh run out their home to the street and running
to higher place. But according to Metro TV, local official allready
asked them to keep calm because there's no tsunami threat. However, the
Japanese Kyodo news service said the quake had triggered a tsunami

The quake also felt in Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekan Baru, and Jambi.
AFP correspondent in Malaysia also provice same report. In the Malaysian
capital Kuala Lumpur, guests and residents evacuated high-rise hotels
and apartments, an AFP correspondent said.

Suharjono, the head of earthquake division of Indonesia's Meteological
and Geophysics agency, told SCTV television station that the tremor
struck between the offshore isles of Nias and Simeuleu, 33 kilometres
under the sea.

According to USGS, the epicentrum located at 205 km WNW of Sibolga, 245
km SW of Medan, 535 km WSW of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and 1410 km (880
miles) NW of Jakarta, Java.

Dale Grant of U.S. Geological Survey told AP that the quake was
magnitude 8.2 and was in the aftershock zone of the Dec. 26 quake. ''It
is along the same segment of fault,'' he said.

''We do expect aftershocks. An 8.2 is very large, but it's not unusual
as an aftershock.''

He stressed they have no reports at this time of any tsunami. ©

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