mbak sefty ini ada contoh surat yang mbak cari, mudah2an berkenan

Dear all, 


April 5th 2007 is my last day in the head office of PT. J which means it is 
time to say farewell to you and I will move to Branch Office Surakarta (Solo) - 
PT. J. During the past few days I have received many kind messages, greetings 
and words of encouragement that have made me feel both deeply grateful and 
sadly aware of who and what I am leaving. Throughout these years I feel honored 
to have been given the opportunity to work with you and I hope to be able to 
continue to work with you again in the future. I would like to sincerely thank 
you for the support, assistance, and friendship you have provided me during my 
tenure at PT.J Jakarta. Sincerely apology for the mistakes I made. And let 
today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing. Last but 
not the least, please come to 'virtually' visit me on my page at 





With best wishes to all of you,




+62 815 

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