Jumat Sabtu Minggu, tempat wisata bakalan penuh nih
Ada yg mau jual tiket pesawat ke Bali yg gak jadi dipake ? Voucher hotel murah puncak, Bandung, Anyer ? Ticket kereta ke Jogja yg gak jadi dipake ? Ada yg mau rental Mobil 3 hari ? Ya udah dillelang aja disini SalamSyCumaBikinThreadAja. Mulyadi Maaf yah moderator hehehe ________________________ Important Notice: This e-mail transmission is intended only for the use of the named addressee, and may contain material/information that is private, confidential or legally privileged. Any retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or the taking of any action in reliance upon this material/information by anyone other than the named addressee is prohibited. If it is received in error by anyone other than the named addressee, please immediately notify the sender at the address and telephone/telefax number or e-mail address set forth herein, delete the material/information from any computer and destroy any copies or print-outs that may have been made of this material/information. Thank you.