hbtu : Happy birthday to you
@WRK ; At work (Sedang kerja)
2bctnd ; To be continued. (Bersambung)
2d4 : To die for (Sangat berharga)
2g4u : Too good for you (terlalu bgs u/ mu)
2Ht2Hndl : Too hot to handle. (Tak bisa dipegang)
2l8 : Too late (Terlambat)
2WIMC : To whom it may concern (Kpd yg
4e : Forever (Selamanya)
4yeo :For your eyes only (Rahasia)

AAM : As a matter of fact. (Sebenarnya.)
ADctd2uv : Addicted to Love (Mabuk kepayang)
AFAIK :As far as I know (Sepanjang
AKA : Also known as (dikenal juga sebagai)
ALlWanIsU : All I want is You (Hanya kau yang
AML : All my love (Seluruh cintaku)
ASAP : As soon as possible (Secepat mungkin)
ATB : All the best (Yang terbaik)
ATW : At the weekend (Di akhir pekan)
AWHFY : Are we having fun yet (Sudah
senang-senang belum?)

B4 : Before (Sebelum)
BBFN : Bye Bye for now. (Sampai jumpa)
BBS : Be back soon (Segera kembali)
BBSD : Be back soon darling (Segera
BCNU : Be seein' you (Sampai nanti)
BF : Boy Friend (Pacar)
BGWM : Be gentle with me (Jangan kasar pdku)
BMW : Be my wife (Maukah kau jadi istriku)
BRB : Be right back (Segera kembali)
BTW : By the way (Omong-omong)

Cm Call me (Telepon aku)
Cu See you (Sampai jumpa)
CUIMD See you in my dreams (Sampai jumpa dalam mimpi)
Cul See you later (Sampai ketemu lagi)
CUL8R See you later (sampai ketemu lagi)

Dk > Don't know (Tak tahu)
Dur? > Do you remember (Kau ingat

E2eg> Ear to ear grin (Menyeringai lebar)
EOD > End of discussion (Akhir perbincangan)
EOL > End of lecture (Akhir perkuliahan)

F? > Friends (Kawan)
F2F > Face to face (Berhadapan)
F2T > Free to talk (Bebas Bicara)
FITB > Fill in the Blank (Isi titik-titik, isi sendiri
bagian yang
FYEO > For your eyes only. (Rahasia)
FYA > For your amusement (Untuk senang2)
FYI > For your information (Sebagai informasi)

GF> Girlfirend. (Pacar)
GG => Good Game (Ucapan ketika kedua pihak yang
berseteru selesai
melakukan pertandingan)
Gr8 > Great (bagus)
GSOH > Good Salary, Own Home (Gaji OK, punya rumah)
GTSY > Glad to see you (Senang bertemu dgmu)

h2cus > Hope to see you soon (Kuharap kita akan segera
bertemu lagi)
H8 > Hate (Benci)
HAGN > Have a good night (Selamat tidur)
HAND > Have a nice day (Selamat bersenang2)
HldMeCls > Hold me close (Peluk aku erat-erat)
Ht4U > Hot for You ("Panas" untukmu)
H&K > Hugs and Kisses (Peluk cium)

IDK => I dont know (Aku tak tahu)
IIRC > If I recall correctly (KL tdk salah ingat)
IMHO => In my humble opinion (Menurutku)
IMI => I mean it (Aku sungguh-sungguh)
ILU > I love You (Aku cinta padamu)
IMBLuv > It must be Love (Ini pasti cinta)
IOW > In other words... (Dengan kata lain.)
IOU => I owe you (Aku berhutang padamu)
IUSS > If you say so (Baiklah)

J4F > Just for fun (Sekedar bersenang-senang)
JFK > Just for kicks (Iseng-iseng)
JstCllMe > Just call Me (Telepon saja aku)

KC > Keep cool (Tetap tenang, jangan langsung marah,
KHUF > know how you feel (aku mengerti perasaanmu)
KIT > Keep in touch (hubungi aku terus)
KOTC > Kiss on the cheek (Cium pipi)
KOTL > Kiss on the lips (Cium bibir)

L8 > Late (Telat, malam)
L8r > Later (Nanti)
Lol > Laughing out loud (Tertawa terbahak-bahak)
LTNC > Long time no see (Lama tak jumpa)
LtsGt2gthr > Lets get together (Kita ketemu yuk)

M$ULkeCrZ > Miss you like Crazy! (Rindu kamu ½ mati)
M8 > Mate (Kawan, pasangan)
MC > Merry Christmas (Selamat Natal)
MGB > May God Bless (Semoga Tuhan Memberkati)
Mob > Mobile (Mobil, bergerak)
MYOB > Mind your own Business (Jangan ikut campur)

NA> No access (Tak blh msk, tak ada akses)
NC> No comment (Tak ada komentar)
NWO > No way out (Tak ada jalan keluar)

O4U > Only for you (Hanya untukmu)
OIC > Oh, I see. (Oh, begitu.)
OTOH > On the other hand (Di sisi lain)

PCM > Please call me (Tolong telepon aku)
PPL > People (Orang-orang)
QT > Cutie (Orang yang Lucu, imut, keren)
R > Are
RMB > Ring my Bell ( tolong ingatkan aku)
ROTFL > Roll on the floor laughing (Tertawa
RU? > Are you? (Kamu?)
RUOK? > Are you Ok? (Kamu baik-baik saja?)

SC > Stay cool (Tenanglah.)
SETE > Smiling Ear to Ear (Tersenyum lebar)
SO > Significant Other (Pendamping)
SOL > Sooner or later (Cepat atau lambat)
SME1 > Some One (Seseorang)
SRY > Sorry (Maaf)
SWALK > Sent with a loving Kiss (Dikirim dengan cium
SWG > Scientific Wild Guess (Tebakan ilmiah

T+ > Think positive (Berpikir positif)
T2ul > Talk to you later (Nt kita bicara lagi ya.)
TDTU > Totally devoted to you (Cinta mati padamu)
Thx > Thanks (Terima kasih)
T2Go > Time to Go (Waktunya berpisah)
TIC > Tongue in Cheek (Ramah)
TMIY > Take me I'm yours (Aku milikmu)
TTFN > Ta ta for now. (Sampai jumpa)

U > You (Kamu)
UR > You are (Kamu)
URT1 > You are the one (kamulah orangnya)

VRI > Very (Sangat)
W4u > Waiting for you (Menantimu)
WAN2 > Want to (Ingin)
WLUMRyMe > Will you marry Me? (Maukah kau menikah
WRT > With respect to (Salam hormat untuk)
WUWH : Wish you were here (Andai kau di sini.)

X! > Typical Woman (Wanita biasa)
X > Kiss (Cium)
XclusvlyUrs > Exclusively Yours (Milikmu seorang)

Y! > Typical Man (Pria biasa)
YBS > You'll be Sorry (Kau akan menyesal)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dewi Sari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:33 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] SOL & CMIIW

> Maaf nanya satu lagi,
> Kalo CMIIW itu apa ya....
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dini Febrina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:13 PM
> To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] SOL ?
> Mbak Rita
> IMHO AFAIK, SOL = Sorry One Liner (Maaf satu baris) CMIIW
> Dini
> Tambah bingung?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rita Yulianti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:00 PM
> Subject: [balita-anda] SOL ?
> >
> > SOL itu apa seh ?.......
> >
> > jadi bingung.....
> >
> >
> >
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> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com
> > Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> > Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com
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Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
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