Bbrp waktu y.l ada yg nanya mengenai mata silinder...... berikut saya posting 
dari teman yg kerja di bidang alat2 kedokteran mata.....

----- Forwarded by Nyoman RAHAYU/IDJKT04/TDE/AREVA-TD on 01/19/05 08:37 AM -----
                      I Putu Agus                                               
                      Sandiarta                To:       Nyoman 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                             
            >                   Subject:  Re: Tanya ttg mata 
                      01/18/05 02:01 PM                                         

Mata silinder itu sama dengan astigmatism, di bawah ini ada penjelasan
mengenai astigmatism/silinder tersebut, semoga bermanfaat.

Perbedaannya dengan mata minus adalah: mata minus lebih berhubungan dengan
panjang bola mata, dimana objek yang dilihat tidak jatuh tepat di retina
(tempat jatuhnya objek/sinar yang akan di teruskan ke otak sehingga manusia
bisa melihat) karena bola mata lebih panjang atau lebih pendek dari kondisi
normal. Sementara kalau silinder kelainan mata terdapat di kornea (bagian
mata paling depan berwarna bening seperti kaca, orang bilang bagian hitam
mata sebenarnya itu bening yang berwarna hitam itu iris) dimana permukaan
kornea tidak rata pada bagian2 tertentu (bagian tertentu lebih lancip/lebih
datar dari bagian normal) sehingga objek memiliki 2 titik fokus (depan
retina dan belakang retina).

Lihat attachement dibawah.

Astigmatism is a vision condition that occurs when the front surface of your
eye, the cornea, is slightly irregular in shape. This irregular shape
prevents light from focusing properly on the back of your eye, the retina.
As a result, your vision may be blurred at all distances.

Most people have some degree of astigmatism. A comprehensive optometric
examination will include testing to diagnose astigmatism and determine the
Almost all levels of astigmatism can be optically corrected with properly
prescribed and fitted eyeglasses and/or contact lenses.
Corneal modification is also a treatment option for some patients.
Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is shaped more like an oblong football
than a spherical baseball, which is the normal shape. In most astigmatic
eyes, the oblong or oval shape causes light rays to focus on two points in
the back of your eye, rather than on just one. This is because, like a
football, an astigmatic cornea has a steeper curve and a flatter one.
In regular astigmatism, the meridians in which the two different curves lie
are located 180 degrees apart. In irregular astigmatism, the two meridians
may be located at something other than 180 degrees apart; or there are more
than two meridians. Regular astigmatism is usually easy to correct, but
irregular astigmatism can be complicated and more difficult to correct,
depending on the extent of the irregularity and its cause.


> ----- Forwarded by Nyoman RAHAYU/IDJKT04/TDE/AREVA-TD on 01/05/05 10:40
AM -----

> mau minta informasi ttg "silinder" (mata silinder) yg dialami oleh anak
umur 3 thn. Yg ingin sy tanyakan adalah apakah silinder itu bisa makin
bertambah atau bisa berkurang?apakah bedanya dg mata minus.
> Mohon informasinya, atas perhatiannya sy ucapkan terima kasih.
> regards,

(See attached file: clip_image002.jpg)
(See attached file: clip_image001.jpg)


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