Rules for Bedtime 

"Sleeping with your children or sitting with them 'til they fall asleep is a 
big no-no," says Jo Frost, ABC's *Supernanny* and author of *Supernanny: How 
to Get the Best from Your
* *<> 

"Children need to learn to fall asleep by themselves," she continues. "What 
starts out as a little bit of extra comfort soon turns into a big issue 
about control. And trust me, your children will put off going to bed just to 
have you by their side." Try her sleep separation technique so everyone can 
get a good night's sleep. 

*Step One: Time for Bed*
Take your child to their bedroom. Read a bedtime story, give them "kisses 
and cuddles" and tuck them in. 

*Step Two: Tough Love*
Sit down on the floor or in a chair parallel to your child's bed so he or 
she can see the side of your face. As hard as it may be, bow your head and 
ignore their efforts to talk to you. It is important not to engage your 
child with eye contact.

*Step Three: Stay In Bed*
If your child climbs out of bed, return them to bed with no eye contact. 

 *Step Four: Distance Yourself*
Each night, move further and further away from the crib or bed. This pattern 
gives your child a sense of security in their bedroom.
*Supernanny* Jo Frost says children stay up at night to get the attention 
from their parents that they missed out on during the day. "The key message 
here is," says Jo, "if you spend time with your child during the day you're 
not neglecting him by putting this routine in place during the night." 

 From the show * Supernanny Shapes Up Bratty

Best Regards
Dhaniek Kusumawardhani

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