Untuk orang tua, sebagai patokan kapan kita mesti waspada dengan
perkembangan buah hati.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Rina Rinso - Bundanya Nadya

Children develop at different rates, but most follow a general timeline
(though preemies may be off schedule by a few weeks or months). If your
child doesn't seem to be meeting milestones within several weeks of the
average, ask his pediatrician about it. It may be nothing, but if your child
does have a delay, you'll want to catch it early so you can get a diagnosis
and begin treatment.

As a general rule, trust your instincts. If something seems odd or wrong to
you about the way your baby moves, ask about it. After all, you know your
child best. The following are possible warning signs of a problem; print
this out and use it as a checklist to measure your baby's development.

Call the pediatrician if your child:
Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
Newborn to 2 months after 2 months, doesn't hold his head up when you pick
him up from lying on his back

after 2 months, still feels particularly stiff or floppy

after 2 months, overextends his back and neck (acts as if he's pushing away
from you) when held cradled in your arms

after 2 or 3 months, stiffens, crosses, or "scissors" his legs when you pick
him up by the trunk

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
3 to 6 months by 3 or 4 months, doesn't grasp or reach for toys

by 3 or 4 months, can't support his head well

by 4 months, isn't bringing objects to his mouth

by 4 months, doesn't push down with his legs when his feet are placed on a
firm surface

after 4 months, still has Moro reflex (when he falls backward or is
startled, he throws out his arms and legs, extends his neck, and then
quickly brings his arms back together and begins to cry)

after 5 or 6 months, still has the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (when his
head turns to one side, his arm on that side will straighten, with the
opposite arm bent up as if he's holding a fencing sword)

by 6 months, can't sit with help

after 6 months, reaches out with only one hand while keeping the other

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
7 to 9 months at 7 months, has poor head control when pulled to a sitting

at 7 months, is unable to get objects into his mouth

at 7 months, is not reaching for objects

by 7 months, doesn't bear some weight on his legs

by 8 months, can't sit independently

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
9 to 12 months after 10 months, crawls in a lopsided manner, pushing off
with one hand and leg while dragging the opposite hand and leg

at 12 months, is not crawling

at 12 months, can't stand with support

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
13 to 24 months by 18 months, can't walk

after several months of walking, doesn't walk confidently or consistently
walks on toes

after his second birthday, is growing less than 2 inches per year (for more
on a normal growth rate, click here)

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
36 months falls frequently or is unable to use the stairs

drools persistently

can't manipulate small objects

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