Rada bingung juga sih..;-
tp emg klo tanya dokter ada pendapat yg beragam..
info trakhir saat pekan ASI Agt 2008 kmaren salah seorang DSOG di Semarang yg 
kebetulan jd pembicara menurut beliau emg kurang menyarankan ibu menyusui 
meneruskan ASInya saat hamil krn menurut bliau org hamil itu tjd perub hormon 
yg signifikan akibatnya bila dg menyusui hormonnya smakin ga karu2an kasarannya 
n nantinya blia dilahirkan bayinya ada kecenderungan bermaslah dg hormon misal 
bayi perempuan nanti berkumis atao bayi laki2 payudaranya gede dll.. emg sih 
pembuktiannya blum ada tp dr sisi ilmu spt itu akibatnya..

Klo di web laktasi emg gpp hamil sambil menyusui selagi si ibu nyaman n ga 
bermasalah dg kandungannya saat nyusuin..

klo pengalaman aku saat hamil anak kedua emg masih nyusuin anakku yg 2 th tp ya 
itu klo nyusuin aku ngerasa mules n melilit di perut saran DSOG dihentikan... 
puji Tuhan bisa menyapih juga dg ikhlas..;-0

berikut kumpulan Q-A di milis sehat ttg Menyusui n hamil lagi..
Smoga bisa bantu memberi pencerahan..

Question : Dear All,
Saya mommynya Daffa (1 thn 2 bulan), saya memberikan ASI sampai
Daffaberumur 11 bulan lebih,
Selagi daffa berusia 5 bulan ternyata saya sudah hamil lagi
(walaupunakhirnya keguguran), banyak yang bilang bahwa
Dalam keadaan hamil sebaiknya tidak diperbolehkan menyusui karena
bisamenyebabkan kontraksi pada janin, apakah benar?
Padahal sewaktu saya tau saya hamil saya memberikan ASI ke daffa
melaluipompa dok.Pls penjelasannya,
Mommynya daffa :-)

Answer 1 : Dear Mamanya Daffa,
Tidak benar mba.. kalo dikatakan sedang hamil tidak boleh menyusui...
tidakada bukti krongkret dan klausal yang menunjukkan ke indikasi
tersebut(kontraksi tehadap janin), hal ini juga sudah beberapa kali
dibahas.. cobamba liat2 lagi.. bahasan yang subjeknya seputar ASI dan
Anggun Zuma Riany

Answer 2 : Dear Mbak Windy,
Yg disampaikan Mbak Anggun benar bahwa tidak menjadi hambatan utk ibuhamil
menyusui bayinya.Menurut para ahli laktasi & obgyn saat ini sih
diperbolehkan kok ibu hamilmenyusui anaknya. Meski dg ekstra care utk
intake nutrisi sang ibu &memang dipastikan gak ada gangguan utk sang janin
& sag ibu. Saya repostartikel ttg ini dari lalecheleague.
Saya turut berduka cita atas keguguran mbak.Dulu waktu hamil dan menyusui
Daffa selalu merasa kontraksi gak saatmenyusui ?! Krn belum tentu penyebab
janin mbak gugur karena hal ini.Kecuali kondisi diatas tadi, selalu
kontraksi saat menyusui dan kontraksitsb hebat. Jika tidak , maka bisa
diyakinkan penyebab kegugurannya bukankrn menyusui tadi. Di milis ini
banyak sekali ibu2 yg menyusui bayinyameski hamil. Ada Mbak Erna Fariany,
ada Mbak Wida Anas, dsb.Semua kondisi tsb dg catatan tadi, tidak ada
gangguan pada janin, makaproses menyusui dapat diteruskan selama hamil.
Ada beberapa ibu yg tetap menyusui anaknya hingga sang bayi lahir
kemudiandilanjutkan dg tandem breastfeeding (menyusui sang anak & bayi).
Tapimengenai keputusan mau menyapih dsb saat ibu hamil juga gak
disalahkan.Lagi2 it is very personal decision.
Semoga membantu.Love,Luluk

Answer 3 : Dear Sps & mods,
Saya jadi "tergugah" setelah membaca bbrp email ttg breastfeeding bbrp
hrini, bahkan email-nya salah satu SP(sori lupa nama) yg nyaranin u/
relaktasiu/ ibu yg bayinya 9 bl, jadi menimbulkan setitik harapan buat saya
kembalimenyusui Anya yg sekarang udah 7 bl lbh.
Saya berhenti menyusui Anya sekitar umurnya 4,5 bl krn asi gak keluar
lagirasanya, krn gak pernah payudara terasa bengkak atau kemeng, spt
layaknya ygdirasakan ibu2 menyusui saat payudara penuh terisi asi, makanya
saya gakpernah mompa asi selama kerja.
Mungkin stres, mungkin juga saya gak pede, krn pengalaman anak pertama
sayakasih asi (sukurlah bisa sampe 1 th krn kebetulan Dimdim gak mau susu
botol& saya gak kerja saat itu), mesti byk komentar keluarga (yg
mestinyamendukung :(() yg meragukan kuantitas asi saya krn Dimdim keliatan
kurus(padahal badannya padat/keras & perkembangannya bagus).
Pls advise mbak Luluk & others, apa mungkin saya msh bisa menyusui stl
vakumsekian bulan? Apakah maksudnya relaktasi itu perawatan payudara? waktu
hbsmelahirkan sy pernah dpt, jd gak perlu lagi konsul dong? Kl bukan, tlg
beriref. u/ di Surabaya.
Thanks a lot, pingin banget bisa kasih asi lagi buat si
Kind regards,
Ibunya Dimdim & Anya

Answer 4 : Dear Mbak Ratna,
Sangat mungkin dan sangat bisa kok mbak.Saran saya, coba datangi klinik
laktasi dan kemukakan niatan mbak. Banyaksekali teman saya yg berhasil
melakukan relaktasi meski sudah cukup lamatidak menyusui.Memang butuh usaha
tersendiri & teknink tersendiri. Dan juga tentu sajasemangat & kesabaran.
Pada beberapa hal, ibu yg ingin menyusui kembali menggunakan
Lact-aidsystem, yaitu semacam alat berupa kantung yg digantung dileher ibu
dgtali. kemudian pd kantung tsb terdapat selang halus yg ditempelkan
disekitar areola ibu. Kantung tsb bisa diisi ASI peras ibu lain atau
susufomula. Sehingga saat ibu menyusui bayinya, bayi tetap mendapatkan
nutrisiyg dibutuhkansekaligus memebrikan stimulasi pada pabrik2 ASI.Cara
ini juga yg sering digunakan ibu2 adopsi yg ingin menyusui bayinya.Begitu
ASI sudah keluar, lact-aid bisa dilepas.Kuncinya hanya 2 : sering
distimulasi (dg disusukan langsung / diperas/dipompa) dan PEDE (termasuk
juga support dari pasangan & keluarga).
Memang butuh perjuangan khusus. Tapi worth to try kok.Mengenai support ?!
hmmm sabar ya mbak. Mereka beranggapan spt itu krn gakmengerti.Tidak
mengerti bahwa tidak ada ASI yg tidak bagus. Semua kualitas ASIterjamin
100% apalgi jika keluar langsung dari kemasannya (payudara ibu).Pelan2 coba
ktia transfer ilmu ttg ASI insya Allah ke depannya msayarakatkita jauh
lebih mengerti ttg ASI & menyusui.
Saya repost artikel ttg relaktasi. Saran saya coba buka langsung
artikeldari websitenya. Krna da gambar lact-aid yg gak bisa dilihat di
Selamat mencoba. Salam utk Anya.

Answer 5 : Dear Mbak Luluk,
Thanks very much for your valuable support. Sekarang tinggal saya
menetapkan hati & mengatur strategi agar niat ini bisadidukung suami,
termasuk si mbak yg merawat Anya selama saya di kantor (krnwkt Anya msh
asi, suka susah minum susu botol).
Kind regards,
Ibunya Dimdim & Anya

Hamil dan menyusui

Question : dr. Wati dan sps,
Ikutan tanyakalo hamil masih boleh nyusuin nggak ???, please advise ya,

Answer 1 : Sharing aja..Aku tetap menyusui anakku sampai usia kehamilan 7
bln.. (sampai usia kakaknya pas 2 thn) Kata dsogku nggak papa selama tidak
menimbulkan kontraksi.Ya udah aku tetep kasih... alhamdulillah nggak ada
masalah..padahal kakaknya kalo nyusu doyannya sambil muter2 & nungging2..
kadang kaki ada di badan kadang udah nyampe di muka emaknya hehehheDari
dulu eh.. sampai sekarang deng.. dah niat mo' kasih ASI ke anak min. ampe 2

Answer 2 : Dear Mba Erna.
Mo' sharing pengalaman saya nih mba. Waktu hamil anak ketiga (JulianKurnia)
usianya sekrg masuk 7 bln, saat itu saya masih menyusui abangnya(Rendhi
Kurnia) jarak antara keduanya 2,5 thn. Tadinya saya merasa risih masih
menyusui, & bnyk pro-kontra ttg masalah tsb. Tetapi saya ambil cuek aja
tetap menyusui, soalnya kasihan melihat Rendhi merengek kalau minta
nenen..., and is no problem dgn kondisi si Bayi, & si anak yg kita
susuitsb. Tergantung dgn Mba Ernanya sendiri sih u/ ambil keputusan mana yg
terbaik buat diri mba..suggest setiap orang kan beda2, itu ajah yah..
Wassalam.Anggun Zuma Riany

Dear Mbak Ginuk,

Berikut saya posting additional references ttg breastfeeding while pregnant
berbagai sumber yg dapat dipercaya.
Semoga bermanfaat dan melengkapi reference yg telah ada.

Saat ini di dunia laktasi, para ahli laktasi & obgyn saat ini diperbolehkan
kok ibu hamil menyusui anaknya. Meski dg ekstra care utk intake nutrisi
ibu & memang dipastikan gak ada gangguan utk sang janin & sang ibu.
Ada beberapa ibu yg tetap menyusui anaknya hingga sang bayi lahir kemudian
dilanjutkan dg tandem breastfeeding (menyusui sang anak & bayi).
Jadi gak ada sisi buruknya, kecuali jika ada indikasi medis tertentu yg
menyebabkan sang ibu gak boleh menyusui spt kontraksi berlanjut dsb.
Tapi mengenai keputusan mau menyapih dsb saat ibu hamil juga gak
Lagi2 it is very personal decision.
Apalagi keliatannya Putir menyusu pd mabak hanya utk more to sooth her.
Btw disini banyak ibu hamil yg menyusui anaknya juga. Tadi dah ada mbak
anggun ya.
MbakWida Anas juga nih kalo gak salah, dll.

Make the best decision for you, your toddler, your upcoming baby and your
husband .


I'm Pregnant. Do I Have to Wean?

If you become pregnant while nursing your child, you may wonder if
continuing to breastfeed is even possible. Will it be harmful to your
baby? Can your nursing child still get the nutrition he needs from your
milk? In most cases, you CAN continue to nurse once you become pregnant,
perhaps throughout your pregnancy and beyond. It will be important for you
to sort out your feelings about nursing while pregnant. Be careful to let
your decision be directed by your own feelings and not the expectations,
attitudes, and advice of others. If after weighing out everything, you are
still unsure, then consider simply taking one day at a time.

Signs of Pregnancy During Lactation

If you have been having regular menstrual cycles, a missed period may be
first sign that you may be pregnant as will other signs such as fatigue,
breast tenderness, morning sickness, etc. But what if your cycles have not
returned? One of the first signs for many breastfeeding mothers that they
may be pregnant is sudden onset of sore nipples. However, this can also be
caused by the hormonal changes that take place with ovulation and
menstruation. And teething in the baby, thrush, food particles left in the
baby's mouth, etc. can also result in sudden nipple tenderness. Thus, the
only sure way to know whether or not you are pregnant while breastfeeding
to have a pregnancy test and be examined by your doctor.

Concerns About Your Unborn Baby

If you are well-nourished you should have no difficulty providing for both
your nursing child and your unborn baby, especially if your older child is
more than one year old. It will be important for you to gain weight within
the normal parameters and eat nutritious foods as well as get adequate
just as you would with any other pregnancy. It may be that you will need to
consume extra calories if you decide to continue breastfeeding during your
pregnancy and taking extra vitamin supplements may also be a good idea.

Although uterine contractions are sometimes experienced with breastfeeding,
they are a normal part of every pregnancy and no different than those
experienced by many mothers during sexual relations that take place during

There is no reason to fear that the colostrum that your newborn will need
will be "use up" by your older child. No matter how much your child nurses,
there will still be plenty of colostrum for your new baby.

Concerns About Your Nursing Child

The hormones that help maintain your pregnancy do appear in your milk but
very small quantities, far less than the amount your unborn child is
to. These same hormones also will cause a decrease in your milk supply
the second half of your pregnancy, or the last four months. If your
is less than one year old, you will want to keep track of his weight gain
ensure that he is receiving enough milk for adequate growth.

Your breastfeeding child may wean on his own during the course of your
pregnancy due to the drop in supply and change in the taste of your milk as
it transitions to colostrum during the last few months. Some toddlers
continue to nurse despite these changes in milk quantity and flavor. If
child is still nursing as the birth of your next child approaches, you may
consider tandem nursing (nursing your older child along with your newborn).

Discomforts Associated With Breastfeeding During Pregnancy

As has already been mentioned, you may experience nipples soreness once you
become pregnant. For many mothers, this passes as the end of the first
trimester approaches. For others it continues throughout the pregnancy.
Implementing the following measures may help you manage this discomfort
more ease:

Use the breathing techniques you learned in your childbirth classes.

Try different nursing positions.

Ask your older child - if he is old enough to understand - to nurse for
shorter periods of time or more gently.

Pump or hand express until letdown occurs so that your child does not nurse
so aggressively.
Feelings of restlessness, antsiness, or irritation at the nursling are also
common during feeding times. Trying to distract yourself with a book , the
television, a chat on the telephone, etc. may make this more bearable.

As your abdomen grows, you may find it increasingly hard to find a
comfortable position in which to nurse your child. The side-lying position
may be the most comfortable, and if challenged, your older child will find
way to reach your breast as long as you allow him freedom to explore and
different positions!

Fatigue will be a normal part of your pregnancy whether you are
breastfeeding or not.. One advantage of continued breastfeeding is that it
may be easier to persuade your older child to lie down with you to nurse
when you feel you need some added rest.

Medical Reasons to Consider Weaning

While weaning is not necessary in most circumstances, there are a few
situations where it may be the wiser choice. These include:

- the presence of uterine pain or bleeding
- a history of premature delivery
- continued weight loss by mother during pregnancy

What If I Decide to Go Ahead and Wean?
It is not possible to predict if a child will wean during a pregnancy.
Children mature at different rates, and while one child may be ready to
wean, another may not. You may wonder if your older child's nursing has
become just a habit that needs to be broken, especially now that you are
pregnant. Know that it is rare for a child under one year of age to be
to wean and extended nursing past one year is still beneficial to the
If your child is older, try substituting a favorite activity for nursing or
change your daily routine and note his reaction. If he still wants to nurse
despite the distractions and substitutions, it is very likely that
breastfeeding still meets a real need in his life. In this case, weaning
that is positive may take lots of time, patience, and energy on your part.
Taking one day at a time may be the best course for both of you at least
a while.

Written by Becky Flora, IBCLC
Last revision: March 8, 1999

Resource: La Leche League's, "The Breastfeeding Answer Book" (1997) by
Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Julie Stock, BA, IBCLC

Helpful resource books/pamphlets:
"Mothering Your Nursing Toddler" by Norma Bumgarner

"The Nursing Mother's Guide to Weaning" by Kathleen Huggins and Linda

"Nursing Two: Is It For You?" - a pamphlet by G. Burke, available through
Leche League

You Can Still Breastfeed
>From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE,

New Pregnancy

There is no reason that you cannot continue breastfeeding if you become
pregnant. There is no evidence that this does any harm to you, to the baby
in your womb or to the one who is nursing. If you wish to stop
breastfeeding, take your time and wean slowly.

Can I breastfeed while pregnant?

Expert: Caroline Deacon [See Biography]

Question: Is it still possible to breastfeed my son while pregnant with
next baby?
null: Yes. Your body will carry on producing milk throughout your
pregnancy. It's even possible to continue feeding your son after your new
baby is born - this is called tandem feeding.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy is fine for most women, although it's
important to eat well. Hormonal changes in the early days may give you
sensitive nipples making breastfeeding difficult. Nipple stimulation
breastfeeding or making love will cause mild uterine contractions, but, for
most women, these are not strong enough to create a problem. However, if
have a history of premature delivery or miscarriage, or if you are
then you might need to think about weaning your older child.

During the fourth or fifth months of your pregnancy, your milk reverts to
colostrum (the nourishing pre-milk produced by your breasts in the first
days after birth), so the taste changes and volume decreases. Some children
decide to wean themselves at this point, although others persevere. If your
son wants to continue, don't worry about using your colostrum up; your body
will continue to produce this special milk until your new baby needs it. If
your son is under a year old, and therefore nutritionally dependent on your
milk, you might need to keep track of his weight gain at this point.

It is also worth thinking about whether you want to continue feeding your
son once your new baby arrives. If tandem feeding is not for you, it will
probably be less traumatic to wean him while you are pregnant rather then
waiting until the new baby arrives and he is in danger of feeling usurped
anyway. If you are not yet pregnant, but trying, bear in mind that it can
harder to conceive while still breastfeeding, as some women find they don't
ovulate until they wean.

Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
by Debbie Friedman

"With some basic education and information for both the physician and
pregnant woman, breastfeeding during pregnancy is almost always safe."

"The tender nipples while nursing were a give-away that I was pregnant,"
shares Traci Coburn.

Becky Sweetser has just found out that she is pregnant. "Well, I suspected
was pregnant when my milk production literally dropped to nothing all of a
sudden, and what I did have changed," she says. "The milk was very watery,
with a blue tint."

For many women, becoming pregnant while breastfeeding can come as a
surprise. Some do not plan the pregnancy, while others assume a pregnancy
unlikely or even impossible while breastfeeding a child. Holding a nursing
child to your breast, a new pregnancy can be difficult to accept. As you
care for one baby, how can you be having another?

And yet, many women plan a pregnancy to ensure their children are close
together. While breastfeeding can interfere with ovulation, it's an
birth control for mothers who are nursing older babies.

Why would a mother want to breastfeed while pregnant?
"Breastfeeding is such a special time of closeness that it is unimaginable
for some mothers to consider ending the relationship before the baby is
ready, even if that means nursing through a pregnancy and subsequently
nursing two babies together," states Ann Calandro, RN, an International
Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) from North Carolina.

Throughout much of the world, especially in less "developed" countries,
nursing while pregnant is common. In the United States, it is important to
understand that there are more misconceptions about breastfeeding during
pregnancy that there are actual facts.

A woman can value her breastfeeding relationship with her child, and still
ensure the well being of her new child growing inside. With some basic
education and information for both the physician and pregnant woman,
breastfeeding during pregnancy is almost always safe.

Shanon Mitchell was breastfeeding her one-year-old when she went to speak
with her pediatrician. "She was thrilled that not only was I continuing to
nurse my daughter, but that I was going to be nursing while pregnant."
Shanon said. Her doctor asked some health questions and even went on to ask
for any resources she might have on breastfeeding during pregnancy.

Some Facts About Breastfeeding During Pregnancy
A woman should be open with her midwife or physician about the continuation
of breastfeeding during pregnancy. While rare, certain medical reasons may
need to be discussed and even considered reason for weaning, including
uterine pain or bleeding, a history of premature delivery, or a mother's
continued loss of weight during pregnancy.

According to the La Leche League, a well nourished mother should have no
difficulty providing for both the unborn baby and the nursing child if more
than one year old. If a child is younger, the mother will need to watch the
child's' weight gain and provide additional solid food if needed.

Christina Sonas says that her midwife was completely supportive of her
continued breastfeeding of her two-and-a-half-year-old after she became
pregnant and in fact, had lots of good information to share. "The hardest
part of breastfeeding while pregnant is remembering that you're actually
eating for three -- and more importantly, drinking water for three!" says
Christina. "I kept a full 32-ounce water bottle with me at all times. I was
drinking 12 to 14 cups of water every day. All that water sure kept my milk
supply up. My daughter never complained of less milk."

Also, changes can occur in the breastfeeding relationship. The mother might
experience new feelings such as sensitive skin and the nursing child may
like the taste of colostrum being developed by the mother somewhere between
the fourth and eighth month. A study of 503 La Leche League nursing mothers
showed that 69 percent of children weaned on their own when the mother
became pregnant.

Shanon Mitchell recalls, "My milk supply dropped during my pregnancy, and
baby started to eat and drink other things to make up for it. I wasn't
sensitive until about 9 weeks. Latch-on could be quite painful for the
15-20 seconds, then it was fine."

An important resource to keep in mind is the La Leche League booklet,
"Breastfeeding Through Pregnancy and Beyond." Call you local chapter to
order or borrow the booklet and check out the LLL Web site at

Trends in Prenatal Care
With just one in five infants breastfeeding at twenty weeks of age in the
United States, it's no wonder US physicians are not familiar with the
subject of breastfeeding during pregnancy. Little to no medical training
takes place specific to breastfeeding during pregnancy and often doctors
rely on their own personal opinions and beliefs, both positive and

Midwives, on the other hand, tend to have more direct experience with
breastfeeding and are supportive of breastfeeding in general. Midwives are
trained to understand that there are almost no circumstances where
breastfeeding is harmful to pregnancy, or pregnancy to breastfeeding.

"There is no need to hastily wean the first infant from the breast, which
often ordered by the physician," write Ruth and Robert Lawrence, MD's in
their book, Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession. "It is
possible to lactate throughout pregnancy and then to have two infants at
breast postpartum. Physically, there is no need to wean. However, some
mothers may choose to gently wean their older baby if they are experiencing
discomfort during nursing, or feel they are no longer enjoying the
breastfeeding relationship."

Making Informed Decisions
Ashley Montegu, world-renowned anthropologist and author, has said, "We
learn to be human at our mother's breast." We, as nursing mothers, need to
ensure that we do not wean our children because of misinformation or a
public that is more comfortable with the image of a bikini clad women than
breastfeeding child.

Like so many issues we face as parents, we need to find what works for us
and search our heart about how we want to raise our children, despite the
many pressures we often feel from what is considered the cultural "norm."

Breastfeeding during pregnancy can be a last opportunity to sit alone with
your child before he or she needs to share the demands of a newborn in the
home. Children who find themselves in this situation are not old enough to
fully understand what changes lie ahead as your tummy grows with their new
sibling. What these children do understand is that at this moment you are
there for them, letting them nurse, letting your love flow unconditionally
into them.

About the Author: Debbie Friedman is married to Alex, mother of Ryan, 8,
Clare, 3.

Nursing While Pregnant

Q :
NAME: Marci
BABY'S AGE: 10 months
QUESTION: Hi, I'm still nursing my 10-month-old daughter. She nurses
throughout the night and about three times during the day. Zoe and I really
enjoy nursing very much. I recently found out that I am about three weeks
pregnant. The doctor told me to wean my daughter, but I've read somewhere
that I can continue nursing if I eat enough food. What is best for me and
Zoe? I've had some spotting, and I wonder if nursing is making my uterus
contract. Zoe is really attached to the breast, and I feel guilty putting
her to bed without the breast. I've never put her on any type of schedule,
and I just don't know what to do. I would ultimately like to nurse her for
one year. Help. Thank you, I'll look forward to your reply

A :
Dear Marci,
Congratulations on your pregnancy as well as nursing Zoe for the past 10
months! While I would never tell you to do anything against your doctor's
"orders," I am curious as to why he/she told you to wean. There are
thousands - probably even millions of women who have nursed throughout a

In "The Breastfeeding Answer Book" (published by La Leche League
International), it says the following, "There is no documented danger to
mother or fetus when mothers breastfeed through a healthy pregnancy.
Although uterine contractions are experienced during breastfeeding, they
a normal part of pregnancy."

There is even a research study cited that "confirmed that breastfeeding
not appear to adversely affect the course of pregnancy" (Moscone, S. and
Moore, J. "Breastfeeding during pregnancy" Journal of Human Lactation 1993;

La Leche League International has probably compiled more information on
topic than anyone else. They have a professional advisory board composed of
many international experts on breastfeeding, pregnancy, and maternal/child
health. They have good information on nursing while pregnant as well as
tandem nursing (breastfeeding two children who are not twins.) Click here
go to their website: http://www.lalecheleague.org

Your pregnancy does put an added burden on your body nutritionally. Three
things very important for you right now are: extra rest, fluids, and
nutritious food. It can help to keep nutritious foods on hand and eat small
snacks frequently throughout the day - this is especially helpful if you
experiencing nausea.

Let me know if I can be of further help!


Uci mamaKavin+Ija
S e m a r a n g

--- Pada Rab, 13/8/08, Elianson Sinaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:

> Dari: Elianson Sinaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Topik: [balita-anda] Masih bolehkah ng-ASI?
> Kepada: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
> Tanggal: Rabu, 13 Agustus, 2008, 2:05 PM
> Dear great moms,
> Sudah beberapa hari isteri saya pusing-pusing dan mual.
> Awalnya kami kira
> dia Cuma masuk angin. Tapi karena mualnya terus akhirnya
> dicek ternyata dia
> hamil (lagi).
> Tentu saja kami gembira. Tapi bingungnya kami adalah Neo
> yang tgl 080808
> lalu tepat usia 1 tahun masih ng-ASI. Apalagi kalo mau
> tidur. Dia gak bisa
> kalo gak netek. 
> Kami sudah Tanya orang-orang juga dah konsul dgn dokter
> kandungan.
> Jawabannya beragam. Ada yang bilang boleh tapi ada juga
> yang blang Neo harus
> disapih dgn alasan akan mengganggu perkembangan janin.
> Bingung nich. Minta tolong dong dari great moms smua jalan
> keluar atau
> masukan buat kami.
> Terima kasih,
> Eli
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke:

Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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