tambahan lagi......
Irfan juga dulu pernah beberapa kali kejang.Kitanya udh panik bgt, tapi
alhamdulillah akhirnya kita dipertemukan dgn dr Irawan di RS Puri Cinere yg
bisa bikin hati ini tenang dan tentram (tapi tetep waspada). Kita banyak
konsultasi ke beliau ini dan dgn sabarnya (dan gak nakut2in) beliau menjawab
semua pertanyaan kami. Summarynya kira2 mirip dgn imel yg ditulis oleh temen
se BA kita ini nich... :

.....saya juga pernah bertanya ke DSA anak saya dan juga ke teman saya
dimana anaknya sempat step sampai 5 menit ya. Bila dikasih luminal bisa
berpengaruh ke anak tersebut menjadi lebih aktif. Dan bila anak kejang yang
didiagnosa bukan berapa kali anak tersebut
kejang tetapi berapa lama anak tersebut menderita kejang setiap kejadian
karena bila kejang melebihi 5 menit setiap kali kejang dapat mempengaruhi
perkembangan otak, akan tetapi apabila hanya 1 -2 menit kejang walalupun
 sudah beberapa kali, ngga pa pa katanya. Dan biasanya DSA tidak memberikan
luminal bila kejangnya tidak parah.

Selain itu, menurut dr Irawan, Kejang juga disebabkan krn faktor keturunan
dari ortunya, lebih banyak menyerang cowok daripada cewek.Kejang yg harus
kita waspadai adalah kejang yg terjadi bukan krn demam, kejangnya hanya
sebagian bagian tubuh aja.

berikut lagi ada artikel tentang kejang demam. Maaf blm diterjemahin.....
Semoga semuanya baik2 aja ya bu.




      A febrile seizure is a convulsion that occurs in young children,
triggered by a high fever.seizure is a convulsion that occurs in young
children, triggered by a high fever.  Febrile means pertaining to or
characterized by a fever.  A febrile seizure typically lasts 5 minutes or
less, though some fmay last longer.  Most children who experience a febrile
seizure are between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.

      Although a febrile seizure may be very alarming to you, it usually is
harmless to your child and usually doesn't indicate a long-term or ongoing
problem.  Still, a febrile seizure is always a reason to seek medical
attention, especially to determine the cause of the fever.

      Febrile seizures are the most common type of seizure during childhood.
They occur in about 4% of children before the age of 4 years.  Many children
never have another febrile seizure.  Some children inherit a tendency to
have seizures along with a fever.  Febrile seizures usually stop by the time
a child is 5 or 6 years old.


      Signs of a febrile seizure include:

      -                Repeated rhythmic jerking or stiffening of yur child'
s arms and legs

      -                Eyes rolled back in your child's head

      -                Lack of consciousness

      A febrile seizure usually is due to a rapid rise in your child's
temperature, but the above signs don't necessarily reflect the height of the
fever.  Most febrile seizures are short, with the signs usually lasting 5
minutes or less.  After the seizure, your child may cry or be quite sleepy.


      A febrile seizure may be trigerred  by a rapidly developing fever,
which could be caused by an infection in any part of your child's body.  The
fever is usually from a typical childhood illness, such as a middle ear
infection.  A less common but very serious cause of a seizure is an
infection of a child's central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).  One
such infection is meningitis, a condition in which membranes surrounding the
brain become infected.  Another is encephalitis, an inflammation in the
brain itself.


      Young age is the strongest risk factor.  Most febrile seizures occur
between the ages of 6 months and 5 years, and the highest likelihood of
febrile seizures is in children between the ages of 12 months and 18 months.
Some children inherit a family's tendency to have seizures with a fever.


      Seek medical attention immediately if your child has a seizure,
develops a stiff neck, becomes confused or delirious, is difficult to wake
up or acts very sick.  First-time febrile seizures should be evaluated by
your doctor as soon as possible.


      Your doctor will need to examine your child to determine the possible
causes of the fever and seizure.  Your doctor may order blood and urine
tests to detect an infection.

      If your doctor suspects a central nervous system infection, a spinal
tap (lumbar puncture) may be necessary.  In this procedure, approximately
one-half teaspoon of spinal fluid is removed with a needle appropriately
placed into the child's lower back.  This test can reveal evidence of
infection in the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.


      Although they may greatly concern you as a parent, the vast majority
of febrile seizures produce no lasting effects.

      Febrile seizures are classified as simple or complex.  Researchers
currently believe that simple febrile seizures cause no higher incidence of
subsequent epilepsy, cerebral palsy or mental retardation.  A complex
febrile seizure lasts longer than 15 minutes, occurs more than once within
24 hours or confined to one side of the body.  Complex febrile seizures may
carry a somewhat higher risk of subsequent seizures.

      If your child experienes a febrile seizure, you might wonder whether
he or she has a more serious underlying disorder, such as epilepsy.
However, epilepsy in children is defines as recurring seizures in the
absence of fever.  The odds that your child will develop epilepsy after a
febrile seizure are small.  Between 95% and 98% of children who have a
simple febrile seizure will never develop epilepsy.  However, children with
epilepsy are more likely to have seizures when they have a fever, because
fever lowers the seizure threshold.


      The vast majority of febrile seizures stop on their own within 5
minutes.  However, if the seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes - or if your
child has two or more seizures - call for emergency medical attention.

      If the seizure is still occuring when your child arrives at the
emergency room, a doctor may order medication administered either through
your child's rectum or intravenously to stop the seizure.

      It's possible that the doctor will want your child to stay in the
hospital briefly for further observation.  But a hospital stay isn't always


      If your child is susceptible to febrile seizures, it may be possible
to prevent these seizures by taking quick  action to control fever when your
child has an illness.

      Most of the time, a febrile seizure occurs during the first day of an
illness.  By giving your child acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen
(Advil, Motrin, others) at the first indication of fever, you may reduce the
chance of a febrile seizure.  But don't give aspirin to children.  Aspirin
may trigger a rare but potentially fatal disorder known as Reye's syndrome.
Also, don't bundle up your child too much at night, and make sure your child
drinks plenty of fluids.

      It also is possible to prevent febrile seizures by having your child
take a prescription anticonvulsant medication until age 3 or 4.  However,
doctors rarely prescribe these medications because most febrile seizures are
harmless and most children outgrow them without any problems.

      Medicatons that prevent seizures have drawbacks.  Anticonvulsant
medications such as valproic acid (Depakene) and divalproex (Depakote) are
effective in preventing febrile seizures, but they carry a significant risk
of serious side effects in young children.  Children who have frequent or
prolonged febrile seizures might benefit from preventive treatment with oral
or rectal diazepam (Valium, Diastat).


      Although febrile seizures are usually harmless, these steps can help
your child avoid injury during the seizure:

      ·         Place your child on his or her side, somewhere where they
won't fall.

      ·         Stay close beside to watch and comfort your child

      ·         Remove any hard or sharp objects near your child

      ·         Loosen tight or restrictive clothing

      ·         Don't restrain your child or interfere with your child's

      ·         Don't attempt to put anything in your child's mouth

      Within 1 to 2 hours of a febrile seizure, many children are back on
their feet, running around the doctor's office or playing safely at home.
By staying calm, observing your child and knowing when to call the doctor,
you're doing everything that's needed to take care of your child.

----- Original Message -----
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] need advise : pemberian luminal

> Luminal (Fenolbarbital)
> >
> > Merupakan salahsatu jenis antiepileptika, yaitu obat untuk menanggulangi
> > epilepsi. Fungsi untuk memblokir pelepasan muatan listrik di otak.
> > Efek samping  antaralain pusing, mengantuk, dan ataksia.
> > Interaksi : Karena luminal bersifat menekan enzim hati, maka bila
> > dikombinasikan (dikonsumsi)
> > dg acetaminophen  akan meningkatkan kadar acetaminophen dalam darah.
> > Sehingga pada kondisi kritis tertentu dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hati
> atau
> > gagal ginjal.
> MBYTB (maaf buat yg tdk berkenan),
> rgrd
> ==============================================
> >
> > Ada baiknya saat pemberian luminal harus hati2 dalam mengkonsumsi
> > lainnya.
> > Lebih baik lagi sebelum obat itu diminum coba didiskusikan dulu dg
> apoteker
> > yg lebih faham
> > mengenai interaksi antar obat.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Yurica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:52 PM
> Subject: [balita-anda] need advise : pemberian luminal
> > dear moms/dads,
> >
> > mo sharing sekaligus mohon advisenya yach
> > hari sabtu sore, adwa (2 tahun), kejang tiba2, tanpa ada gejala panas,
> atau
> > sakit lainnya
> > ayahnya yg cerita sebelum bola matanya keatas saja, adwa diajak turun
> tangga
> > menuju basement, di tangga itu, adwa terlihat kaget, dan nunjuk2 ke arah
> > pojok tembok, sehabis itu, adwa memeluk erat ayahnya, tanpa mau
> > lagi.
> > didalam pelukan ayahnya, mata keatas terus, tanpa ada kejang pada daerah
> > lainnya, seperti tangan atau kaki
> >
> > langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit terdekat, dan diberi oksigen, kemudian
> > dikasih proris dari bawah, suhu yg tadinya 38.9 menjadi 39.9, langsung
> > dokter jaga menyuruh kami untuk memasukan adwa ke ruang rawat inap
> > setelah di ruangan, suhunya turun menjadi 38.3, dan tidak lama, adwa yg
> > sedang terlelap tidur, matanya seperti terkejut dan tangannya seperti
> > bergetar, suster langsung memberi obat stesolid dari bawah, adwa pun
> tenang
> > kembali, dan suhunya malam itu menjadi 40.3, terus turun 40.1, 38.7, itu
> pun
> > masih diberi luminal dari infusnya ...
> > hasil darah, urine dan feses baik semua (alhamdulillah), hanya pada saat
> > diperiksa dokter tht, telinga dan amandelnya memerah, seperti mau flu,
> untuk
> > sementara kejangnya diperkirakan karena peradangan pada telinga dan
> > tenggorokan
> >
> > singkat cerita adwa sekarang sudah boleh pulang, tapi masih tetep
> > luminal 2 kali sehari, dan dokter bilang, kalo hasil EEG yg akan
> > senen depan baik, luminal akan distop, tapi bila hasil EEG nya jelek,
> > luminal bisa diberikan setiap hari sampai setahun lamanya
> >
> > saya mau bertanya soal penggunaan luminal ini .. dokter bilang ini obat
> anti
> > kejang, tapi saya bingung, anak tidak kejang, kenapa harus diberi obat
> > luminal ini ? dan apa efek sampingnya bila diberikan obat ini ?
> > soalnya sekarang ini adwa buang aer besar, isinya airrrrr semua, kayak
> masuk
> > angin, memang sih sehari tidak lebih dari 5 kali
> > mohon advise moms/dads
> >
> > thanks,
> > mamanya adwa
> >
> >
> > ================
> > Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com
> > Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> > Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke:
> > Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

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Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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