Mbak Meutia, 
Berikut saya kirimkan artikel tentang Hand & Mouth Disease (fyi penyakit
tangan dan kuku adalah penyakit yang diderita oleh hewan ternak). 
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Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease
Related concepts:
Coxsackievirus A16 
A miserable child who has lost interest in eating solids
<>? Perhaps the
child has hand-foot-mouth disease.
What is it?
Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common childhood illness featuring mouth sores,
fever <>, and a rash
Similar-sounding "foot-and-mouth disease" is a disease of cattle and is not
related to this condition.

Hand-foot-mouth disease is usually caused by a virus called coxsackievirus
A16. However, many children with coxsackievirus A16 infections do not have
all of the features of hand-foot-mouth disease. Some have no rash, some have
no mouth sores, and some even have no fever. A variety of other viruses in
the Enterovirus <> family can also cause
hand-foot-mouth disease (the coxsackieviruses
<> are enteroviruses).
Who gets it?
This disease is most common among young children but is seen with some
frequency up until puberty. Adults can get it, but this is much less common.
Once people have had coxsackievirus A16 they are generally immune, but they
could get another case of hand-foot-mouth disease
<> from one of the other, less common
viruses. Most infections occur in the summer or early fall, with the peak
between August and October in the northern hemisphere.
What are the symptoms?
Children with hand-foot-mouth disease usually start to feel crummy 3 to 7
days after they were exposed. Often, the first thing parents notice is their
children's decreased appetite for solids. Children may also have a fever and
a sore throat. A day or two later, many children develop sores in the mouth.
They begin as small red spots on the tongue
<>, gums, or mucous membranes. They may
blister or form ulcers.

A skin rash may also develop over a day or two, with flat or raised red
spots. Unlike with many rashes, the spots are often found on the palms and
soles. Also, it is common to have the rash on the buttocks. Often, the red
spots will form tender blisters (although not on the buttocks). Unlike with
chickenpox <>, the rash does not itch.

Usually the rash disappears and the child feels better within about 1 week.
How is it diagnosed?
Usually the diagnosis is made based on the history and physical exam. Lab
tests are available for the coxsackieviruses and other enteroviruses, but
they are not usually necessary. Hand-foot-mouth disease is sometimes
confused with <#1195>strep throat, which can also begin with a fever and
sore throat. It is sometimes mistaken for chickenpox because they both have
blisters. It might be confused with any of the childhood exanthems
<>. Also, many children with
hand-foot-mouth disease are diagnosed with ear infections
<> because the eardrums may appear red.
How is it treated?
Antibiotics <> do not help with
hand-foot-mouth disease. The important issues are pain relief and plenty of
How can it be prevented?
The viruses that cause hand-foot-mouth disease are present both in the stool
and in the respiratory secretions. It can spread by fecal-oral transmission
<>, droplet transmission
<>, contact transmission, and by means
of fomites <>. Hand cleansing
<>-especially after diapering/toileting
and before eating-can help reduce its spread. Children are often kept out of
school or daycare for the first several days of the illness, but it is not
clear this prevents others from becoming infected. Other children in the
class are probably contagious even though they will never develop symptoms.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Meutia Miranti [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:10 AM
> Subject:      [balita-anda] Meriang + sariawan
> Dear all,
> Zaidan (2 th) udah tiga hari ini meriang. Nggak panas banget, cuma agak
> anget2 gitu aja. Itu juga nggak sepanjang waktu dan nggak semua badannya.
> Hanya malam, kadang pagi, dan hanya kaki, tangan, dahi kadang2.
> Kemarin kuliat di bibir & lidahnya ada sariawan 3. Yang di balik bibir itu
> agak gede, yang di lidah kecil2.
> Aku sendiri sering sariawan, tapi biasanya sih nggak pake demam.
> Kira2 apa ya sakitnya anakku & apa obatnya? Kalo bisa sih yang tradisional
> aja.
> O iya, dia udah kukasi mycostatin, baru mulai tadi malem.
> Satu lagi, keponakanku baru aja sakit mirip2 begini, cuma dia tanda2nya
> agak
> beda, yaitu gusinya jadi merah banget & nafasnya agak bau, terus panas.
> Nah,
> keponakanku ini sempat dicurigai sakit mulut & kuku yang serem itu. Tapi
> ternyata udah diobatin dan sekarang udah nggak papa.
> Apa Zaidan sakit itu juga ya? Terus ada yang tau nggak, gejala sebenarnya
> dari penyakit mulut dan kuku itu apa ya?
> Mohon masukan, terima kasih.
> Meutia << File: VirusWall_Message.txt >>  << File: ATT159262.txt >> 

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