Ibu-ibu ....
mudah-mudah info ini berguna ......

papanya Laras.
Choice of a baby BOY or GIRL

Hope it is useful for some of you in planning stage.  For those of you do
not have any plan in the near future, you can keep it for future reference.

Man's sperm consists of X & Y spermatozoa, X spermatozoon decides the female
whereas Y is the male.  Referring to these physiological properties of the
spermatozoa, gynecologists set up the theory of 'Choice of a girl or a boy'.

1st factor:  Food
If you want a baby girl:
Husband must eat more alkaline food, wife eats more acidic food.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband eats more acidic food, wife eats more alkaline food.

Alkaline food:  vegetables, fruits, egg white, milk, algae, etc.
Acidic food:  meat, seafood, etc.

2nd factor:  Timing (When to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Frequent copulation during pre-ovulation period.
If you want a baby boy:
Copulating just before ovulation or just after ovulation.

How to confirm ovulation period:
Body temperature increases (you may want to use SPC chart to monitor your
body temperature here).

3rd factor:  Penetration (How to do it?)
If you want a baby girl:
Husband to avoid deep penetration in the female vagina during copulation.
If you want a baby boy:
Deep penetration by the husband is suggested.

Characteristics of X & Y spermatozoa
*       X:  Marathon runner with good stamina
*       Y:  Sprinter but poor stamina
So, with deep penetration, the chances for Y to reach destination will be

4th factor:  Stimulation
If you want a baby girl:
Wife should avoid stimulation during copulation.  Secretion from female
vagina becomes alkaline when stimulated, therefore this promotes the
activity of Y spermatozoon.
If you want a baby boy:
Husband ejaculates after wife has been stimulated.

5th factor:  Wife's Preparation
If you want a baby girl:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar in 1
liter of water.  Since an acidic condition decreases activity of Y
If you want a baby boy:
Rinse the vagina with solution dissolving 2 spoonfuls of soda in 1 liter of

6th factor:  Positioning
If you want a baby girl:
Female to be on the top position & male to be on the bottom position.
If you want a baby boy:
Male to be on the top position & female to be on the bottom position.  This
posture allows the Y spermatozoon to reach the destination faster.

The wisdom of our (?) ancestors!

For those planning to have a baby & those who will need to plan in future,
the chart below may help you to predict the sex of your future child.

The accuracy of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is
believed to be 99 percent accurate.
Believe it or not.


AGE      19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

MONTH   18      19      20      21      22      23      24      25      26
27      28      29      30      31      
1       G       B       G       B       G       B       B       G       B
G       B       G       B       B       
2       B       G       B       G       B       B       G       B       G
B       G       B       G       G       
3       G       B       G       G       B       G       B       B       B
G       B       G       G       B       
4       B       G       B       G       G       B       B       G       G
B       G       G       G       G       
5       B       G       B       G       B       B       G       G       G
G       G       B       G       G       
6       B       B       B       G       G       G       B       B       B
G       G       B       G       G       
7       B       B       B       G       G       B       B       G       G
B       B       B       G       G       
8       B       B       B       G       B       G       G       B       B
B       B       B       G       G       
9       B       B       B       G       G       B       G       B       G
B       B       B       G       G       
10      B       B       G       G       G       B       G       B       G
B       B       G       G       G       
11      B       G       B       G       G       B       G       B       G
G       G       G       B       G       
12      B       G       B       G       G       G       G       B       G
B       G       G       B       B       

AGE     32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

MONTH   32      33      34      35      36      37      38      39      40
41      42      43      44      45      
1       B       G       B       B       G       B       G       B       G
B       G       B       B       G       
2       G       B       G       B       B       G       B       G       B
G       B       G       B       B       
3       B       B       B       G       B       B       G       B       G
B       G       B       G       B       
4       G       B       G       B       G       B       B       B       B
G       B       G       B       G       
5       G       G       G       G       B       G       B       B       G
B       G       B       B       G       
6       G       G       G       G       G       B       G       G       B
G       B       G       B       G       
7       G       G       G       G       G       G       B       G       B
B       G       B       G       B       
8       G       B       G       B       G       B       G       B       G
B       B       G       B       G       
9       G       G       G       G       B       G       B       G       B
G       B       B       G       B       
10      G       G       G       G       B       B       G       B       G
B       G       B       B       G       
11      G       G       B       B       B       G       B       G       B
G       B       B       G       B       
12      B       B       B       B       B       B       G       G       G
B       G       B       G       B       

You can choose for yourself whether you want a boy or a girl by following
the chart.  The woman's age from 18 to 45 (Chinese reckoning) is on the top
line while the months Jan to Dec indicate the month when the baby is
conceived.  By following the chart you will be able to tell in advance
whether your baby will be a boy or a girl. Thus, you can plan to have a boy
or a girl.

This chart has been taken from a Royal tomb near Peking, China.  The
original copy is kept in the institute of Science of Peking.  The accuracy
of the chart has been proved by thousands of People and is believed to be 99
percent accurate.  By reckoning, you follow a line drawn from the figure
representing the woman's age to a line drawn from the month the baby is
For instance, if the woman is 27 years old and her baby is conceived in
Month 1 (according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar), then her baby will be a
girl.  The chart is based on the month the baby is conceived and not on the
birth of the baby, B-Male, G-Female. 

Remarks:  A Chinese Scientist discovered and drew this chart which was
buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Suratinah [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 4:53 PM
> BAYI ?
> Dear netter,
> Dulu pernah di bahas masalah diatas di milist ini.  
> Tapi sayang file saya sudah ke-delete.
> Adakah rekan netter yang masih menyimpannya ? 
> Tolong fowardkan ke saya lewat japri aja.
> Terima kasih sebelumnya.
> Rgds,
> Tina
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