Some Things to Know About Grains/Breads

Grains/Breads products are rich sources of protein, B-vitamins (thiamin,
riboflavin and niacin) and iron. In addition, whole-grain breads and
cereals provide folate, vitamins B6, A and E; the antioxidant nutrients
vitamin E and selenium; and the minerals zinc and copper. Usually
whole-grain breads provide more vitamins and minerals than refined
enriched products such as white bread.

Most bread products contain significant quantities of dietary fiber.
Check the label for fiber content. Breads with two or more grams of
fiber per slice are good sources of fiber.

Flour is made by finely grinding and sifting wheat or other grains.
Flour includes all grains (wheat, rye, corn, etc.).

Meal is made by coarsely grinding corn, oats, wheat, etc.

Whole-grain is the edible part of  wheat, corn, rice, oats, rye, barley,
etc. "Whole-grain flour" is made by grinding the entire grain and
includes the bran, the germ and the endosperm. If a flour or meal does
not contain all parts of the grain, it is not whole-grain.

Refined grains have their coarse parts removed. Refined flour does not
include the bran or germ. When the bran and germ are removed, some
essential nutrients, including fiber, are lost. White bread and hot dog
buns are examples of breads that are often made from refined flours.
Refined bread products are only creditable for the CACFP if they are
enriched and/or fortified.

Enrichment of  bread or bread products refers to the process by which
nutrients (thiamin (B1), niacin (B2), riboflavin (B3), and iron) are
added to refined grains and grain products at levels specified by law.
If the flour in the product is enriched, the ingredient statement will
indicate that enriched flour was used. A bread product, rather than the
flour, may also be enriched. In this case, the ingredient list will show
that thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and iron were added to the product.

Fortification refers to the addition of one or more vitamins, minerals
or proteins to a food. If a food is fortified, then the label will state
specifically that it is fortified.

Whole-wheat bread contains the whole grain, including the fiber-rich
bran and germ. Whole-wheat flour should be the first ingredient.

Wheat bread often has wheat flour or enriched wheat flour (not
whole-wheat flour) as the main ingredient. This bread is low in fiber
unless the manufacturer has added fiber.

Oat bread is usually white bread with a small amount of oats added.
Check the ingredient list to see how far down on the list "oats" are
listed. If it appears toward the end of the list, the bread contains
little fiber.

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