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Bagian pertama ini mengenai Toxoplasmosis.

Mamanya Dafi

Why is it dangerous to change my cat's litter now that
I'm pregnant? 
Cat feces can carry a parasite that causes
toxoplasmosis, an infection that isn't serious for you
but can pose a danger to your developing baby. Some
birds and other animals, as well as some raw meats,
can also carry the parasite.
Toxoplasmosis causes most severe damage to the fetus
if a woman comes down with it in her first trimester.

Happily, the odds of contracting toxoplasmosis during
pregnancy are low--only about one in 1,000 women do
so. Studies also indicate that about one-third of
American women are immune to toxoplasmosis altogether.
And if you live with cats the likelihood is even
higher that you've already contracted the disease and
developed an immunity to it.

What are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis? 
The symptoms in adults are fairly mild: Swollen lymph
glands in the neck, fever, chills, headache, muscle
aches, and fatigue. They usually appear about two to
three weeks after you've been exposed. But some
infected adults show no symptoms at all.

For a fetus, the effects of toxoplasmosis are more
dire. It can result in low birthweight, fever,
jaundice, and seizures, as well as long-term health
conditions such as mental retardation, and vision

I'm still worried--what can I do to make sure I don't
have it? 
You can take a blood test that measures whether or not
you're immune to the parasite. If you have no
antibodies, you're not immune. The recommended
procedure is to repeat the antibody test every month
or so until you deliver. Should the tests become
positive along the way, it's likely you're infected.
Treatment involves taking special antibiotics over a
period of several months, and greatly reduces the risk
that the baby will be born with any serious problems.

Another option is to test whether your fetus is
infected. This can be done through amniocentesis, as
well as by examining a fetal blood and/or amniotic
fluid sample. Babies at risk can also be tested after
delivery. If a baby does show signs of the infection,
he'll receive long-term antibiotic treatment and be
followed closely. It's reassuring to know that only
one baby in 10,000 is born with severe congenital

How can I avoid getting it in the first place? 
Since the parasite can be found in raw or undercooked
meat, eat your burger or steak well-done. And when
you're handling raw meat, wash your hands thoroughly
afterward. If you're gardening where there might be
cat feces, wear rubber gloves, and wash your hands
well after touching the soil.

As for your cat, feed him storebought pet food to be
sure he's not eating undercooked meat. And rein him
in. Keep him inside, if possible, to prevent him from
hunting mice, since they can harbor the parasite. If
you can't keep your cat from prowling the
neighborhood, don't hold him close to your face, or
share your bed, sheets, pillows, or blankets with him.
Always wash your hands thoroughly after playing with
him. Use gloves when emptying the litter and wash your
hands when you're finished. Better yet, have someone
else take over cat-box duty for the duration of your
pregnancy--something you surely won't miss.

If, after all this, you're still worried, you can have
your cat tested by a veterinarian to see if he has an
infection. And if he does, you should board him with
someone else for six weeks or so until the infection
can no longer be passed along.

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