Pak Roi,
Ini ada artikel nya dari About. com dikatakan justru
untuk ibu yang sedang atau mau hamil harus konsultasi
dahulu dengan dokter jika ingin mengkonsumsi DHA
karena DHA banyak mengandung vitamin A dan D yang jika
terlalu banyak berbahay bagi janin.
Tadinya saya kirim penuh tapi ditolak, jadi bagian
yang perlu saja ya.

Mamanya Dafi

Docosahexaenoic Acid Also known as: DHA
What does it do? 
Omega-3 oil, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
belongs to the class of nutrients called essential
fatty acids. DHA has been shown to reduce levels of
blood triglycerides. 

Are there any side effects or interactions? 
While those with heart disease and diabetes often
benefit from fish oil (the primary source of DHA in
the diet),such individuals should check with their
nutritionally oriented doctor before taking more than
3 or 4 grams of fish oil for several months.
Elevations in blood sugar have sometimes been
reported, though this may simply be due to small
increases in weight resulting from high dietary fish
oil. While DHA combined with EPA from fish oil
consistently lowers triglycerides, it occasionally
increases LDL cholesterol.Fish oil is easily damaged
by oxygen, so small amounts of vitamin E are often
included in fish oil supplements.Nutritionally
oriented doctors often recommend that people who
supplement with fish oil or
DHA take vitamin E supplements to protect EPA and DHA
within the body from oxidative damage. Some evidence
indicates that vitamin E may be protective against
oxidative damage caused by fish oil. However, animal
researchers have reported that the oxidative damage
caused by DHA alone was not prevented with vitamin E
supplementation. The level of oxidative damage caused
by DHA has not been shown to result in significant
health problems. 
Some evidence suggests that adding vitamin E to
EPA/DHA may prevent this fish oil-induced increase in
serum glucose. Similarly, the impairment of glucose
tolerance sometimes caused by the omega-3 oil has been
prevented by the addition of half an hour of moderate
exercise three times a week. The effect of DHA by
itself on glucose levels has not been adequately
People who take fish oil containing EPA and DHA and
who also take 15 grams of pectin per day have been
reported to have reductions in LDL cholesterol. This
suggests that pectin may overcome the occasional
problem of increased LDL cholesterol from fish oil
supplementation. The LDL cholesterol-raising effect of
EPA and DHA may also be successfully prevented by
taking garlic supplements (or presumably adding garlic
to the diet) along with EPA and DHA. Adding pectin or
garlic when people supplement DHA by itself has yet to
be studied. 
Certain medications interact in a positive and/or
negative way with docosahexaenoic acid. Refer to the
drug interactions summary for docosahexaenoic acid for
a list of those medications.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Suplemen DHA bagi ibu hamil   

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