On February 12, 1993 a small boy who was to turn
three in March was taken
from a shopping mall in Liverpool by two 10
year old boys.  Jamie Bolger walked away from his

mother for only a second
and Jon Venables took his hand and led him out of

the mall with his friend
Robert Thompson. They took Jamie on a walk for
over 2 and a half miles,
along the way stopping every now and again to
torture the poor little boy
who was crying constantly for his mommy. Finally
they stopped at a railway
track where they brutally kicked him and threw
stones at him and rubbed
paint in his eyes and pushed batteries up his
anus. They
then left his beaten small body on the tracks so
a train could run him over
to hide the  mess they had created.

These two boys, even being boys understood what
they did was wrong, hence
trying to make it look like an accident. This
week Lady Justice
has awarded the two boys anonymity for the rest
of their lives when they
leave custody with new  identities. We cannot let

this happen. They will
also leave early this year  only serving just
over half of their sentence.
One paper even stated  that Robert may go on to
University. They are
away with their crime. They need to pay, and we
have to do something to
them pay for their horrific crime. They took
Jamie's life violently away,
and in return they get a new life.

Please add your name and location to the list and

forward to friends and
family. Please copy this email instead of
so we do not get >>>> at the beginning of

If you are the 200th person to sign please
forward this email to
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] attentioning it to
Lady Justice Butler-Sloss.

Then start the list over again and sent to your
friends and family. The
Love-Bug virus took less that 72 hours to reach
world. I hope this one does too. We need to
protect our family and friends
from creatures like Robert and Jon. One day they
may be living next to you
and your small children without your knowledge.
If Robert and Jon could be
so evil at 10, imagine what they could do as

1.  Angelia Hemmingway, Hamilton, New Zealand
2.  Jolene Rowe, Auckland, NZ
3.  Evan Graham, Auckland, NZ
4.  Laura Cole, Auckland, NZ
5.  Grant Cole, Auckland, NZ
6.  Leanne Whyte,Auckland,NZ
7.  Jackie Deacon Auckland NZ
8.  Aimee Walmsley, Auckland, New Zealand
9.  Sharynn Walmsley, Auckland,  New Zealand
10. Karena Russell, Auckland, New Zealand.
(May you rest in peace Jamie)
11. Paula Dibb, Brisbane, Australia
12. Kathy Chalker, Brisbane, Australia
13. Carmel Cule, Brisbane, Australia.
(I can't stand the sympathy the UK gov't has for
these two immoral rats.  I
agree with the writer in that now they are 18
their actions will be worse
and they will carry with them contempt for
authority for the rest of their
14. Antun Cule, Brisbane, Australia
15. Ned Skulic, Brisbane, Australia
16. Kathy Skulic, Brisbane, Australia
17. Shendelle Troy, Brisbane, Australia
18. Carly Wieland, Brisbane, Australia
19. Melissa Dalgarno, Brisbane, Australia
20. Nicole Saunders, Brisbane, Australia
21. Julie Lawrie, Brisbane, Australia
22. Kerry Grice, Brisbane Australia
23. Belinda Mellino, Brisbane Australia
24. Jenny Carlson, Brisbane Australia
25. Lorraine Kopp, Brisbane Australia
26. Leisl Sandifort, Canberra Australia
27. Miquel O'Toole, Canberra Australia
28. Vanessa Moat, Canberra Australia
29. Amanda Lawrence, Canberra Australia
30. Sue Flanagan, Canberra Australia
31. Caroline Knox Serrano, California USA
32. Gempar Djatisantoso, Jakarta, Indonesia.
(When I read this email, I have the same opinion
with carmel cule from
Brisbane Australia, (immoral,barbar and they
horrific crime) pls also think
of the boy parents what have they felt to their
33. Melania Melawati, Sydney, Australia
34. Debbie M. Chastity, Texas USA
35. Cherine P. Hilmy, Jakarta, Indonesia
36. Nurul Suryo, Jakarta, Indonesia
37. Nurul Larasati, Jakarta, Indonesia
38. Diah Handayani-Soehadi, Jakarta, Indonesia

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