----- Original Message -----
From: www.autismconnect.org.uk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 22 Januari 2001 18:10
Subject: MMR discussions with Dr Paul Shattock

> Hello
> <http://www.autismconnect.org>
> Since the launch of autismconnect in October 2000, thousands of people
> an interest in autism across the world have become registered users of the
> community site.
> autismconnect has a NEW on-line forum where discussions are already taking
> place, in particular on the current debate of the triple MMR vaccine
> (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) and autism.
> Today at 2.00 pm GMT - Dr Paul Shattock, founder and director of the
> Research Unit at the University of Sunderland, UK, will be joining these
> discussions.
> Dr Shattock argues that more studies must be carried out into the
> possibility of links between the MMR vaccine and autism, and insists that
> concerned parents have a right to be kept fully up to date with all the
> latest research and to be free to make their own choices when it comes to
> vaccinating their child.
> Come and have your say!  <http://www.autismconnect.org>
> Best wishes
> autismconnect team

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